Chapter Fifteen

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"Thank you for listening, kitty. It helped me figure things out." I mumbled into his chest, hugging him tighter, feeling relieved.

"Of course, m'lady. I'll always be here for you, no matter what," He assured, kissing my head. He lifted me up and stood up, moving us over to the futon so that I could look at the stars.

~~~ Chat Noir's POV ~~~

I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of her in my arms. I stopped by as soon as I could after I had gotten home, my mind was racing and I just had to know how Y/n felt about earlier.

I felt honored with the fact that she showed me whenever she needed comfort or advice, and she would always seek me. With others, she was always strong, independent, and quick in her daily life. It was a stark contrast to the version of her in front of me, she was now fragile, open about her feelings, gentle, and sensitive. She was clinging to me for comfort and I want to be the only one to see this side of her.

I picked her up and carried her over to the futon by the window in her room. I laid down on it with her in my arms, that way we could watch the stars together. I cradled her head against my chest and pulled her close, I pulled a blanket over the both of us so that she wouldn't get cold.

Soon enough she fell asleep, the peaceful rise and fall of her chest against my own. I detransformed and gave Plagg some cheese, in order to give him a break.

"Pulling that Agreste charm, ey Adrien?" Plagg teased, quickly chowing down on his cheese.

"Oh shut it, that's not what I'm doing Plagg." I retorted, then I felt Y/n shifting and Plagg quickly hid.

I panicked and prayed that she didn't wake up, unfortunately luck wasn't on my side and I hastily covered her eyes.

"Chat? What are you doing?" She asked, and I felt my heart in my throat.

"Hey, Y/n. I had to let my kwami take a small break, so I need you to keep my hand over your eyes." I responded, my hand shaking slightly and I prayed she wouldn't ask me to leave.

"Oh, okay. Well, they can help itself to whatever it wants from the kitchen but Chat?" She closed her eyes and let out a yawn.

"Yes, princess?" I spoke softly to her. "Can you stay tonight? I'm really comfy." I kissed her forehead, and smiled, letting out a breathe I didn't realize I had been holding. "Of course, I'll stay as long as you'd like."

Soon, she had fallen asleep and Plagg and already gone to the kitchen to eat whatever he found. I placed my lips atop her head, and held her close to me. As the night continued, I enjoyed the quiet, intimate moment that this was.

With a tender touch, I traced patterns on her back just to reassure her that I was there. Finally I had managed to drift off to sleep myself after letting Plagg know to wake me up when the sun comes up. I turned so that her face was to my chest and my head on hers, just incase she woke up before I did. That way my identity would still remain a secret.

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~

I was with Chat, cuddling into his chest and listening to his heart beat, enjoying his warmth. His even and slow rise and fall of his chest was comforting. I wrap my arms around him tighter and nuzzled into his chest. Chat mumbles something but I couldn't understand what he said, so I asked him to repeat himself, but when he opened his mouth I heard an alarm go off.

I grumbled and slapped my alarm clock, shutting it off. I look over the futon and realize that it was just me. I could have sworn that Chat was just next to me, sleeping as well.

I guess it really was just a dream...

I sighed, a part of me disappointed that it wasn't real. It was a good dream though. Then I saw the window was open and a half footprint by the window, He was here last night!

A content smile grew on my face, and I wrapped myself in the blanket while I remembered last night. That was until I remembered that he pinned me to the wall, my face then became flushed and I quickly stood up, and began to get ready for school.

I decided to wear something cute, just to give myself that extra boost of confidence that I needed. I decided to go with something similar to what my favorite hero wears, but with a female and casual twist. I put on an elegant black 3/4-sleeved shirt, black leggings and a pink pleated skirt. I finished off the outfit with some black flats and my favorite necklace.

Walking over to my vanity, I brushed my hair and threw it up into a half up half down style and curled it. I did my eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick. I checked my phone and realized that I would be late if I didn't leave soon.

I hopped into the car with my dad as he drove me to school, when we got there, I gave my dad a hug and hopped out, and headed to the classroom.

"Hey! Good m-morning, Adrien!" Marinette stammered over her words as I walked into the classroom. Chuckling, I went over to the duo, "Morning, guys!" I greeted, turning to Marinette. "You good, girl?" I asked her wrapping my arm around her. "Y-yeah. I'm all good, Y/n." she grinned, hugging me with both arms and resting her head on my chest. Smiling, I hugged my obviously flustered friend, patting her head with a slight giggle.

Looking up, I noticed Adrien watching me, his eyes slightly wide, and his face beet red. His usual composed demeanor seemed to change and he seemed nervous.

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