Chapter Eight

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"Y/n...?" Chat spoke first.

"Yes, Chat?" I hummed back, enjoying the fact I had company while I waited for my eyes to be less puffy.

"Do you feel like going downstairs with everyone, or would you like your knight in shining armor to stay here a little longer with you?" He asked, genuine concern evident in his voice.

I looked into his eyes, he looked like he was prepared to do whatever it took to help me feel better. He had been a great friend, and I was glad he had stopped by tonight.

"I don't know, Chat. I kinda want to stay out here for a bit longer, if you'd stay with me." I admitted, my voice shaking slightly due to my crying sesh from earlier.

"Understood, my lady. It would be my pleasure to sit under the stars with you." He bowed to me, making me laugh. As he stood up he reached for my hair and twirled a strand around his finger "I do love the new look." he complimented.

"Thanks, Chat. I mean it," I said, looking into his eyes and grabbing his hand. "I'm glad you stopped by, I don't know what I would have done without you. Probably would have gotten akumatized." I chuckled halfheartedly.

"Then I am glad that I saw you, don't want to have to fight you just to save Paris." He nudged me with his arm and I laughed.

"I would totally win if I were akumatized. Plus, I know you'd be super scared." I teased him, ruffling his hair.

"Woah now, you'd make it difficult for sure, but I would still win! Cause I'm the superhero!" He quickly tried to correct my assumption of me winning in this hypothetical situation.

"Surrreeeee~~" I jokingly rolled my eyes and rest my arm on the railing while I was turned to face the young cat boy.

"I totally would!" He whined before cutting himself off by looking at the time. "Now go inside and get some rest. It's late young lady, and you've had a rough day. You've earned the rest, and you know how to reach me if you need me, right?"

"Yes sir I do, and you should get going too. That way you can actually sleep a bit before you gotta go back to patrolling." I patted his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"Goodnight, Y/n. Stay safe, okay?" Chat asked me, standing still and looking at me.

"I will, Chat. Goodnight!" I waved at him and began to walk back to the door, feeling a lot better now.


As Chat stood there, waving to his friend as she walked back inside the boat, he let out a sigh. Letting his hand drop after Y/n had shut the door, he clicked his tongue in disappointment after hearing something shuffling around. Glancing over to where the sound came from, he saw Luka.

"So, how much did you hear?" He questioned the man, slightly hostile.

"Not much, I only heard her crying and listened after that." Luka spoke up with a matter of fact tone, slightly on edge with the Cat hero, unsure of his intentions.

"So much for being the "Good Friend" she spoke so highly of, how do you think she'd feel if she knew you were eavesdropping on her conversations when she is vulnerable?" Chat responded, turning to the young man and taking a couple steps towards him.

"I heard her crying and came out to see if she was okay, the I stayed to make sure she was safe when I saw you out here with her. I wasn't sure if it was you who had made her cry." Luka threw the words at Chat, as if trying to get him to admit to something.

"The only reason I stayed was because I care and she asked me to. She needed someone to talk to and it wasn't you." Chat scoffed, "And besides, why do you think she wouldn't be safe with me? I am a literal hero." He smirked at Luka, showing his superiority.

"Hero's can make mistakes, Chat Noir. It wouldn't be the first time a hero messed up." Luka shot back at the cat, walking towards him, trying to show him that he was in charge.

Chat Noir leaned into Luka's face, shooting him a glare as he began to speak. "Before you try to accuse me of something, Couffaine, you better make sure that I can't swoop in and take what you're neglecting. You're the one that made her cry you pompous ass. You fumbled and I took care of her."

"The fuck are you saying? You sound like a creep." Luka shuddered and began to take a step back when Chat grabbed him by his shoulders and held him in place.

"Not at all, enjoy your night." Chat smiled at him and pat his head, then extended his staff and left. Leaving Luka there, confused.


Adrien had finally returned home, but his thoughts were still consumed by the troubling sight of Y/n crying alone on the boat's deck. When he transformed back, he couldn't help but let out a growl of irritation.

"Scowling isn't going to change anything, Adrien. It's better to dwell on the important things, like my precious camembert," Plagg said, as he began to eat his cheese, "Besides, you probably shouldn't have provoked Luka like that. What if he gets akumatized? Then I wouldn't be able to spend the night with my sweet, sweet camembert."

"I know, Plagg. He'll be fine, that's just who he is. It just bothers me that he treated her like that. He was listening in on her private conversation, who does that?!" Adrien threw himself onto his bed and buried his face into his pillows. "I'm going to bed. I hope the shoot in London ends earlier than planned." Adrien muttered, letting his body relax into his bed. Plagg fell asleep on the pillow next to Adrien. "Goodnight, buddy." Adrien sighed, finally falling asleep.

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