Chapter Twenty Six

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Luka left shortly after, due to Marinette calling him and asking where he was. Apparently he was late to a date that she had planned for them. I sat on my couch for a few hours in a daze, unsure of what I was doing. My thoughts were a complete mess.

Eventually, dinner time came around and my stomach growled. I begrudgingly dragged myself off the sofa and walked to the kitchen, making myself some chicken alfredo and grabbing a soda. Once I finished cooking, I took my plate and drink back to the couch and turned on my favorite show as a distraction. As I twirled the pasta around my fork and took a bite, my mind kept wandering back to Luka and Adrien.

Luka's desperate words echoed in my head: "I can't stand the thought of losing you. Please, tell me there's a chance for us."

The look he had on his face was one of a lovesick and desperate puppy. His voice had been so raw, and the way he looked at me with his intense blue eyes, searching for any sign that I felt the same way.

Luka had always been so sure of himself, so composed. Seeing him so desperate, so impatient, had caught me off guard. I had never expected him to ever say anything like, let alone to me of all people. He had been pushing me away for the sake of another girl, that he finally had, yet now he is trying to run back to me while dating her.

That thought made my stomach churn, I felt sick. I set my plate down and picked up my phone, debating on calling Juleka for advice. Should I tell Marinette? The guilt started to grow. I felt my phone vibrate with a notification, Luka's name popping up on my screen.

Luka: "I know my sudden confession has caused you troubles and pain. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't ignore my feelings Y/n."

My stomach felt horrible, the knot in it growing worse. The guilt eating up at me while the scene replayed in my head, Luka's touch, his hand squeezing mine, his eyes pleading. He had moved closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek, forcing me to meet his gaze.

The thought of hurting Marinette, of hurting Adrien, weighed heavily on my mind. They both were such good people, and they didn't deserve any of this. I put my feelings for Luka on the backburner for Adrien, since he started dating Marinette, and this was unfair to everyone.

Me: "I understand, but I don't want to hurt Marinette or Adrien. I have feelings for him, and you are dating her."

I found myself touching my cheek, feeling the overwhelming emotions. I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I needed to talk to someone. I felt so confused and alone.

Adrien was special, with his genuine kindness and ungodly patience. How could I choose between them? The idea of hurting either of them felt unbearable.

I felt my phone buzz again, seeing Adrien's name pop up.

Adrien: "Hey, I hope you had a good day. I miss you already."

A soft smile tugged at my lips. Adrien always knew how to make me feel better, even with a simple text. I quickly typed a reply, trying to keep things light.

Me: "Miss you too. Had a quiet evening, just made dinner and was watching some TV. What about you?"

Adrien: "Oo? What did you make? And my evening was miserable, I had to do a last minute modeling gig and then had to attend a meeting with my father. I would have been much more enjoyable if you were there."

I giggled, quickly typing out my reply.

Me: "Chicken Alfredo. You know, I have some left over if you'd like to have some. I have some time before I have to head to bed."

Adrien: "That would be pawsitively amazing, unfortunately Nathalie said I can't go anywhere. Father deemed it unnecessary visits. Since it doesn't involve school or work..."

Me: "Aw, dang. I can box it up and bring it to you tomorrow if you'd like. It sucks you can't leave the house though.

Adrien: "I would love that, I'll see you tomorrow then? I can give you a ride to school, it's supposed to rain tomorrow."

Me: "I'll take you up on that offer, and I'll bring you the alfredo. See you tomorrow!"

After talking to Adrien, I was in a much better mood. I decided to rewind the episode and finish my dinner.

Putting my now clean dishes away, I looked at my phone. I shot Juleka a text asking if we could meet up during lunch tomorrow and talk about some stuff. She replied quickly, and said she'd see me after class.

Smiling to myself, I stretched and walked to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. Starting with my shower, brushing my teeth, and doing my skin care. I rubbed my hair oil into my hair, and then went to my bedroom.

Climbing into bed, I pulled out my phone and started to read up on the latest akuma attack. Apparently, Chat Noir had been distracted and got thrown into the city hall, knocking down the Mayor. I let out a laugh imagining the Mayor's face as he is pushed to the floor by a super hero who quickly leaves as soon as he gets up.

I spent another hour just scrolling through Tiktok and finally fell asleep, exhausted from everything today. Tomorrow was going to be better, and I won't let the drama interfere with my life. Adrien and Juleka would be there to help me through it.

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