Chapter Ten

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The following morning, Luka woke up before anyone else. Groggily, he scanned the room, his gaze fell upon her, peacefully tucked under his shoulder. A warm smile stretched across his face as he took a moment to appreciate her morning glow. Her (h/c) hair glistened in the early morning sunlight, he gently played with it as he looked at her now ombre colored hair.

He loved the comfort he got from being around her, and the security she brought to him. She was his best friend, and always had been. So it's only natural that he felt this way, he loved her like a sister. He paused, confused. She was like a sister to him, so why did the memories of Chat noir with her last night bother him.

Luka leaned back, still admiring her features, he thought back to last night. The way Chat Noir held her, the fact she cried to him and relied on him, the way that cat held her face and wiped her tears, everything about that interaction bothered him.

Why was he so touchy feely with Y/n and why would she hug him so much. As Luka thought to himself, he came to the conclusion that it was just because he was worried about you and nothing more.


"Look, I know I'm gorgeous, but no need to look like I just took your breath away." I playfully teased Luka, my mouth turning into a smirk. I sat up and stretched, letting out a yawn.

"Sleep well?" Luka asked, leaning further into the back of the couch.

"That was the best sleep of my life." he chuckled, "I'll take that as a compliment, thanks." he replied, eliciting a laugh from my half asleep brain.

"Why of course, kind sir," I spoke with a mischievous grin. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I should probably go freshen up." Standing, I headed to the bathroom, letting out one last yawn.

In the bathroom, I casually threw my hair into a loose ponytail, touched up my makeup, and got ready to head back to the living room. Just as I was about to leave, I got a text from Adrien and then a call from my dad, letting me know that he'd be here to pick me up soon.

Walking back to the living room, I see Luka and Marinette joking around and being super cuddly. Marinette rested her hand on Luka's, and she leaned towards her.

"Sup lovebirds, that excited for me to leave?" I walked towards them, taking a seat on the couch and slipping my shoes on. Glancing at the clock, it was almost time for my dad to be here.

Marinette blushed, her arms waving in front of her as she stuttered incoherently. Luka, on the other hand, blushed as well but managed to form a full sentence. "That's not the case, Y/n. You know that. Marinette was about to get ready to head out, and she was asking if I could head over with her since she and her parents need help with the bakery."

"It's all good, Luka, I'm just joking with you. I'm also getting ready to head out. My dad will be here shortly to pick me up since we have to run some errands today." I finished putting on my shoes and stood up, reaching for my phone and wallet.

"Hey, Y/n-" *HONK* Marinette was cut off by a car horn outside. "Whelp, that's my dad! I'll see you guys later!" I waved and rushed outside and quickly hopped into the passenger side of the car.

~~~ After errands and lunch with dad ~~~

After we ran our errands and finished our lunch, I got a phone call. Looking at the name I saw that it was the one, the only, Goldie Locks. I chuckled and answered the phone.

"Hey," Adrien's voice came across, he sounded nervous which I assumed was from him not being one to call often. "So, it looks like I'll be back in Paris soon since the shoot in London ended early and I should have some time. Would you like to hang out? My father is busy, so Nathalie said I could spend time with a friend."

A delighted smile played on my lips as I responded, "Oh? Mr. Famous wants to hang out with little old me?"

Adrien eagerly spoke, trying to be modest. "Of course! We are friends after all, and I'm not that famous. Haha..."

I let out a soft giggle, "What do you mean you aren't that famous? You are the teen heartthrob Agreste, and you're literally the crush of almost every teen girl in the country."

He laughed at my statement, "That's pushing it just a bit far, Y/n. It seems like you're bending the truth. Haha..." He began to ramble about how it wasn't true before I cut him off.

"Fineee, I'll drop it for now Agreste. What time do you get back into town?" I set the phone down on the counter and put him on speaker while I began to put the dishes away..

"I should be there in about 15 minutes, so I'd say... I'd be at your place around 3:30?" He said, and waited for me to respond.

"Woah, who said you would be coming over?" I teased him.

"Oh, uh... Well, you see... I thought I'd pick you up, and, uh, well..." He rambled.

"Relax Adrien, I'll let you be a gentleman. I've always wanted to ride in a limo." I laughed, and shut the cabinet as I finished putting the dishes away. And then, I realized that I had to shower since I hadn't yet.

"Oh hey, can I let you go? I gotta shower real quick and get ready. So if you get here before I'm done, just come on in. My dad's here so he'll let you in, okay?" I finished the conversation and quickly rushed to the bathroom so I could shower and blow dry my hair.

Man, being this stunning takes a lot of work.

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