Chapter Two

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As I eat my breakfast, and get ready for school my dad gave me a pep talk. "Thanks dad," I laughed and hugged him. "I'll see you after school!" I rushed out, and hopped onto my motorbike so that I wouldn't be late.

"The Ladyblog. Bringing you all the latest news about the coolest superhero, Ladybug! How awesome it that! Check out the number of views since I posted the video." Alya grabs her phone and quickly looks it up, "But why do you trust ladybug so much? All these stone beings-"

I cut Marinette off, catching up to the girls "She's gonna handle them." I patted the blue haired girl on the back. She looks at me, "But what if she's not really cut out to be a superhero even though everyone thinks she is?" she stared down at the floor.

"What are you talking about girl? Oh wait!" Alya walks towards Marinette and adjusts her glasses, "I know what this is about." Marinette flinches as Alya continues, oblivious. "You're scared. Don't be. I've seen her with my own two eyes girl. Ladybug is a true super heroine, she's gonna protect us all. I believe in her." That seemed to cheer up our friend, so we walked to walk to our classroom when we see a group of students swarmed around Ivan.

"So you don't remember anything?" "You were totally going ballistic, it was so cool!" "You were seriously out to crush me dude." They all kept talking, and I noticed Mylene standing in the back of the group, kinda kept to herself. Glancing back at the group, I continue to listen in on their conversation.

"You were seriously out to crush me, dude!" Kim spoke out, almost as if he we excitedly reliving running for his life. Seriously, a complete adrenaline junkie if you ask me. "Oh, I'm sorry... I wasn't myself..." Ivan mumbles the apology. Poor guy, why can't they just leave him alone.

"Pfft," Chloe scoffs at Ivan. "Once a monster, always a monster." Ivan looks pissed and marches off, the blonde still making fun of him, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" She called after him.

"What the hell is your problem, Chloe!? Why are you such a raging bi-!" I began to yell at her, my fist ready to hit her caked up face, when Alya grabs my wrist while shaking her head. "Seriously, Chloe, not cool. Let's go girls, let's see if we can find Ivan." Alya signals for us to leave.

"You're lucky this time, Bourgeois. Next time, Alya won't be around to protect your sorry ass." I rubbed my wrist and follow my two friends as we went to go look for Ivan.


"Adrien! Don't do this! Your father will be furious!" A middle-aged woman hollers out to a teenage boy who is trying to go into the school.

"Tell him you got here too late. Please!" The blonde pleaded, quickly running into the school, leaving the woman behind. She sighs and steps back into the car and they quickly drive away.


"How could you say that to Ivan? You're the real Stoneheart." I shouted at Chloe. Luckily for me, Alya and Marinette found Ivan so they decided to take care of him, so that meant I was unsupervised.

"Ugh, So I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm, am I? Just because your friends with the chick who's footage of those lame superheroes was shown on TV, doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty." Chloe blew her gum and popped it in my face.

"You little-!"

"Look out, she's angry! She's going to split her underwear and turn into a huge muscly monster!" The Blonde shouted out, mocking me to the entire class. I huff and walk to my desk in the back, sitting next to Nathaniel. "She's a raging cunt." I sigh out and rest my head on my desk, only to quickly have her piercing voice ring through the classroom

"Hey, Chloe!" I hear a new voice say. "Adrikins! You came!" Ugh, poor guy being friends with Chloe.

Students swarmed up to the front of the class, "Could I have your autograph, please?" "Adrien, Can I have an autograph, Adrien, I'm a huge fan!" Multiple people bombarded the model with requests. "Wow. This is your seat, Adrikins. I saved it for you. Right in front of me!"

Adrien smiles and sets his bag on his desk, "Thanks, Chloe." He noticed the boy next to him, "Uh... Hey! Adrien." He offered his hand out to Nino for a handshake.

"You're friends with Chloe, then, huh?" Nino scoffed at him. Nino, there's no need to be harsh but I get it. I thought to myself when I was interrupted from my thoughts by Adrien voice sounding concerned.

"Hey! What's that all about?" He motioned to the seat across the aisle from him, I leaned forward trying to see what they were talking about. Unfortunately, though, Chloe's fat head was blocking my view.

"The brats that sat here yesterday need a little attitude adjustment. I'm just commanding a bit of respect, that's all." Chloe practically announced to the entire classroom.

"You think that's really necessary?" The blonde looked at his friend puzzled. "Ah, You've got a lot to learn about school culture, Adrikins. Watch the Master." She then stood up and went back to her desk with a devious smirk on her lips. As I stood up and began to walk over to Marinette's seat, Adrien crouched down and started to scrap something off.

Once I got close enough to see, I noticed that Chloe had put gum all over her seat. "What in the hell?" I mumbled to myself, before I could get close enough to help Marinette and Alya walked into the classroom.

Well, fuck. That poor kid.

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