Chapter thirty-two

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(Y/n)'s POV

The dinner Kylian arranged for my parents, Ale, and me went quite well yesterday. Despite the teasing from my parents, I found myself appreciating the fact that they came. Their unexpected kindness towards Kylian caught me off guard, especially since I thought they would be upset about what happened nine weeks ago. They truly are forgiving individuals, unlike me. If it weren't for my feelings for Kylian, I might have held onto a lasting grudge.

For the first time, Ale stayed surprisingly calm yesterday. She didn't initiate any arguments with Kylian and wasn't bothered at all by my parents, who were consistently expressing affection to each other. In other words, exchanging inappropriate remarks with each other in Spanish.

As for Kylian, he was continuously touching my leg yesterday. Every so often, he whispered in my ear, begging for a kiss, but I held back, feeling too shy to do that in front of my parents. Speaking of my parents, Kylian decided to take them to meet the players today. This meant that my dad would finally meet his idol, none other than Lionel Messi, whom he often refers to as 'the goat'.

I can confidently say that Kylian has won my parents over completely.

"Hey! How'd it go?" I asked my parents, who had entered the apartment. Kylian and Pierre followed right behind them, and Pierre closed the door.

Never before have I seen my dad appear on the verge of bursting with happiness, he wore the biggest smile on his face. Even my mom looked happy, but nowhere near as much as my dad. My dad took a seat, set the large tote bag he had been carrying on the table, and pulled out a dark blue jersey with red and white detailing. "Amazing, look who signed my jersey!" My dad held out the jersey in his hand towards me, and I grabbed it. As I examined the number 30 beneath the word 'Messi,' right on the digit zero, there it was – Messi's signature.

"I'm happy for you, Dad!" I handed back his jersey gently, noticing how he stared at it, much like a child fascinated by a new toy. I was genuinely happy for him, he deserved it.

"We also took a photo with him, es muy amable. Oh, Alejandra, I made sure to get a signed jersey for your dad as well." Clearly, my dad was just joking around with Ale. He was very close to her dad and he knew her dad disliked Messi.

Nevertheless, it was somewhat amusing whenever he teased her. Ale had a quick temper.

"You know I see him almost every day, right? If I wanted a signed jersey, I could have asked for one." Ale joked in return.

She wasn't wrong, we did see Messi from time to time at the facility. He was a quiet man, always keeping to himself during training sessions. Despite never having a proper conversation with him, Ale and I would occasionally receive greetings or smiles from him whenever he passed by. And my dad was right about him being extremely humble, sometimes it seemed like Messi didn't realize he was one of the greatest futbolistas to ever exist.

My attention shifted to Kylian, who appeared to be enjoying the minor disagreement between my dad and Ale. "Are you sure you don't want it? Now that Cristiano left for Saudi Arabia, it's impossible to get a signed jersey from him," My dad brought up Cristiano Ronaldo's career situation to Ale.

"Trust me, not impossible. Right, Kylian?"

Kylian's eyes widened as everyone directed their attention to him. It's definitely not impossible, considering Kylian's ability to make anything happen. And he was aware of that, but at the moment, he looked embarrassed that Ale had put him on the spot like that, "I'll leave you all to enjoy your time together. If anyone needs anything, please let Pierre know."

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