Chapter twenty-one

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Are you ready?" Ale peeked into the bathroom where I was, impatiently waiting for me to finish my makeup. It was early in the morning and I was finishing up doing my makeup. I had applied mascara, blush, and lipstick, and that was pretty much my routine before leaving. I hated showering in the mornings too, but I didn't want to smell bad around anyone.

It was the day after the masquerade party, I couldn't help but reminisce about everything that happened last night. I had this sudden liking for Kylian, which was kinda weird, but it meant I didn't hate him as much anymore. "Yes relax, see? I'm almost done. Besides, what's the rush?" I carefully applied the final coat of mascara and then neatly packed everything back into my makeup bag.

"Starbucks," Ale said as I followed her towards the door to leave.

"Seriously again?"


Sheesh, she had a serious Starbucks obsession. Every morning we'd try to stop by and Pierre was so over it. As we were heading out the door, Kylian was standing right there outside, with a big smile on his face, as soon as he caught sight of me, "Good morning, uh (y/n)? Can I talk to you for a second?" I paused for a moment and glanced at Ale, who gave me a smirk before heading towards the elevator down the hallway.

"Hey Alex! Stay, make sure not to leave the building. This won't take too long," Kylian yelled at Ale the moment he saw her walking away.

Ale stopped and turned around, sending Kylian a glare, "My name is Alejandra douchebag, get it right." But Kylian didn't seem to mind, as he turned around to look at me again and started smirking.

"What?" I looked at him, feeling confused and not understanding why he was smirking. But I wasn't mad or anything. It's like the dance we had last night made me forget all the things he did to me. All the anger I had for him started to fade away and I didn't know why.

Yes, I was starting to like him, but I didn't know what kind of feelings it was and I wasn't trying to find out.

"If you can make me some good breakfast right now, I'll let you stay for today. But only if you make something good or else forget about it," Kylian told me, and I swear, I wanted to slap that smirk right off his face. I wasn't about to make this man breakfast when he could easily grab some at a coffee shop.

But maybe I should consider his offer since I was tired of the same routine every morning. Cleaning every single room, every single day was the same old routine. There didn't seem to be a reason to clean them, but it felt like pure torture at that point.

Ale had been listening the whole time, and she nodded at me, encouraging me to go for it. "Fine, but don't take it the wrong way. I'm only doing this so I don't have to go and clean," I had no idea what to cook for him, but I wanted to make sure it was something he'd enjoy. I just hope he's not a picky eater.

"Alright, hurry up though. You only have an hour and your friend can't help you," Kylian's smirk widened when he mentioned that I only had an hour. He then opened the door to the apartment and motioned for me to enter. I glanced at Ale, feeling a wave of panic, but she quickly sent me a reassuring smile, letting me know that I could do it.

As I walked into the apartment, I thought about what breakfast options I had in mind. I didn't know how to make any French breakfasts, so that wasn't an option. My only choice was to make a Hispanic breakfast dish. I knew he wouldn't enjoy a simple American breakfast of eggs, sausages, and toast. Luckily, Pierre always brings us groceries from a nearby Mexican store, just a few miles away from the apartment. I knew I would have all the perfect ingredients to make the dish I had chosen.

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