Chapter six-

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up to the sound of loud voices coming from the other room. As my eyes met the view of our room's ceiling, I blinked to clear my blurry vision, but the sharpest pain shot through my head.

I realized I was back in our hotel. But what exactly happened? I slowly put all my weight onto my elbows and stood up from the couch. My entire body was aching as I made my way to the bathroom's mirror.

Holy crap my head hurts.

My eyes widened as I caught sight of myself in the mirror. There was a red bruise on my forehead, two cuts running along my jaw, and my hair looked absolutely horrible. The pain was unbearable, causing a shortness of breath and a pounding headache. As tears streamed down my face, I decided to freshen up by combing my hair and brushing my teeth.

It didn't make any sense why I had cuts and felt this way in the first place.

I pulled out the small first aid kit stored inside one of the bathroom cabinets. I completely forgot that the hotel provided this. I grabbed the packet of antibiotics and applied a little on both cuts. And even the slightest touch made my cuts ache.

After I left the bathroom, I saw Ale standing just a few centimeters away. Her eyes got wide when she saw me, and she pulled me into a hug, "(y/n), I was so worried about you." I pulled away right after. My head was hurting, and I wasn't in the mood to be grabbed at that moment.

"What happened?" Feeling a disgusting knot forming in my stomach, I asked her, unable to handle the pain.

The question made her soft features transform into an expression of anger, "I know this is going to sound unbelievable but Kylian Mbappé. He uh, tackled you to the ground."

If I wasn't dying, I would've reacted even more to what I just heard, "What? Kylian did this? So he was the one I heard running after us?" My brain slowly processed that Kylian, the one who won the golden boot trophy last night, did this to me.

A simple nod from her, confirmed it was indeed Kylian. "Listen I have no idea why he did that to you. Trust me, when he did that I was beating him up but they asked me to come get you," Ale gently placed her arm around my back, trying to make me walk with her.

I wanted to keep asking her questions, especially about who sent her to get me, but my head was pounding and I had no energy to argue.

We walked into the main room and there stood my parents, a random man, and Kylian. I thought my parents would rush to me and ask if I was okay, but they didn't. They just stood there, staring. And I didn't even bother to make eye contact with Kylian, especially after what I heard he had done to me.

I just stood there, staring back, feeling nothing but the overwhelming pain inside me.

"Great you're up, now let's start signing the papers," The random man took out some papers from his briefcase and placed them on the small table in front of him. Then he grabbed a pen.


He saw that I didn't respond, but he went ahead and explained anyway, "After you sign this, both you and Alejandra Jimenez have to do a total of ten weeks of volunteer work at Paris Saint-Germain's Football Club."

Despite the overwhelming pain I felt, this sudden news stirred something deep within me, "Why? Do you not see my face? I have cuts on my jaw, why do I have to sign that?" I didn't do anything." And I couldn't care less if the tiniest effort I made to speak right now caused my headache to worsen. I just wanted to know why this stranger was telling me this.

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