Chapter one -

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Finally, no more exams. Christmas break has officially started, although we could've totally cheated on those exams," My best friend Alejandra spoke beside me as we walked down the hallways of our college campus. She looked at me, giving me a big smile after I rolled my eyes. Unlike high school, cheating in college is not taken lightly. If we were to cheat on exams, we could risk getting expelled. We've come a long way and I wasn't about to jeopardize all that progress.

Ale, short for Alejandra, has been my best friend since we were kindergartners, and she's always been my ride or die. We were inseparable, I couldn't imagine life without her. Although we had our differences, we shared many similarities. Many parents have their own retirement plans, but for Ale and I —we are our parents retirement plans. It was actually our first year of college too. We definitely make a conscious effort to prioritize our studies, but every now and then, we can't help but have those occasional meltdowns. I guess that's the college experience.

"Hello, you're not even listening to me," Ale grabbed my arm, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I stared at her and gave her my full attention, "Sorry Ale, I just hope my parents aren't planning a surprise party right now, " I sighed as I walked towards my car and dreaded the idea of driving 45 minutes back home. Especially since the traffic in California is a nightmare right now. Almost everyone is getting out of their classes, so we won't be home right away with all that traffic.

Today was the last day of finals for this semester. As much as I would love to spend my entire Christmas vacation in bed, I know my parents will not allow it, and that is why I rarely visit. Thankfully, Ale, and I live in the same town. Maybe we could go to the movies or something.

"Fuck, why do they keep posting these? I swear it could've been Mexico. We could've had it all," Ale paused when her gaze landed on an Instagram post.

Mexico, eliminated from the World Cup. I've seen plenty of Mexicans complain about them being eliminated, even my dad. It was truly disheartening for them, but there's always another chance in the future. My dad is for sure supporting Argentina now. It's his second favorite team, right after Mexico. I completely forgot they have a match today and I definitely don't want to be stuck at home when the game is on.

Futbol may not have been my thing before and I don't see myself becoming a fan anytime soon. But with everyone around me talking about it, its hard to avoid the whole sport. "I can assure you, Ale, that I'd rather be in those horrible dorms than be at home right now. You know I can't stand when my dad is watching a futbol game," I placed my backpack in the back seat before opening the driver's seat door and hopping into my car.

Immediately, the scent of black ice filled my nostrils. Black ice was my all-time favorite car freshener.

"Yes I get it (y/n), you don't like futbol," Ale fastened her seatbelt, then reached for her phone, and began scrolling through Instagram, "But be honest with me, Neymar is fine as hell," Ale turned her phone so I could see the photo of Neymar. And not just any photo but a photo of him alongside another player.

He had a buzzcut and was giving Neymar the widest smile ever. It was like he was head over heels for him. He was also slightly darker than Neymar. I had no clue who he was, but honestly I didn't care enough to ask.

I started the engine and prepared to shift into drive. I glanced over at Ale, she raised her eyebrows silently questioning me, "Well? Do you think he's fine or not?"

I locked my gaze ahead, my eyes fixed on the road as I slowly merged into traffic, "If I say yes will you stop talking about it? Seriously Ale, you want me to be honest to with you? I've never seen Neymar in person and I don't think I ever will. Maybe he's finer in person, who knows. Can we talk about something else? Or we could listen to music."

My mind was completely fried from all the studying I had done earlier. All I wanted was to go home and take a nap. Talking about football isn't really my interest right now. It's more of Ale's thing.

"Never say never (y/n), you don't know who we could end up seeing in person."



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