Chapter sixteen-

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(Y/n)'s POV

We were currently on our way to Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, after departing from Doha, Qatar. This was all part of PSG's annual winter tour. We missed out on watching them train at the Khalifa Stadium a few hours ago. Unfortunately, Ale and I had to take separate flights, so we arrived in Doha an hour after their training event had ended. However, when we arrived in Doha, they were still there, even though the event had already ended. Luckily, they allowed us to board the plane with them.

We were extremely jet lagged.

The night before, Pierre woke us up and forced us to go to the airport. He wouldn't tell us anything until we finally got there. I was really surprised when we heard that we were invited to watch the team practice. We never go to any of their games and have never been invited either. Until now, of course. Qatar Airways was incredibly luxurious, and we were lucky enough to be seated in business class too. Even though the only people on the plane were the team, staff, and us. For privacy reasons, Ale and I had to sit in the back of the plane, away from the cameras whenever they were recording the players.

We had just finished watching Georgina Rodriguez's show, I am Georgina. It was my first time watching it, but Ale had seen it before and insisted we watch it together. We still had plenty of time before we arrived in Riyadh and we've already finished the season.

"Why couldn't I be Georgina?" Ale groaned after finishing her last hot cheeto before crumbling the bag. The plane didn't offer any snacks or food since the flight was only two hours long.

Georgina Rodriguez was lucky. One day, completely unexpectedly, she crossed paths with Cristiano Ronaldo, and from that moment on, her life was never the same. "Its crazy how Georgina's life changed, from working at a retail job, and now living the best life," I closed my eyes. It would be absolutely amazing to never have to worry about money again, like a dream come true.

"It's my favorite series and I can't believe you're experiencing what she experienced," Ale said.

I turned to look at her and saw that she was being serious. How was I experiencing something similar to what Georgina had experienced? From what I knew, Georgina and Cristiano fell in love. I haven't experienced that kind of love with anyone either, "How? It feels like the complete opposite." After I unfortunately met Kylian, nothing went my way.

"Well (y/n), you have a secret admirer. Who knows, maybe he's sitting on this plane. But that present was meant for you, and only you," Ale whispered so that no one could hear us talking. The seats weren't that close, but she was right. The person who gave me the present could be on this plane. We need to be careful until we find out who it is.

The necklace, it's still something I'm trying to process. It slipped my mind for a while, but now that it's back in my thoughts, I feel those same butterflies I felt when I first saw it. I didn't bring it with me either because I didn't want to risk losing something so valuable. It's super expensive, and I can't even imagine losing something like that.

Its beauty completely made me forget about that horrible night with Kylian. The embarrassment he put me through was just too much.

"Hey should I go talk to Neymar? I'll try to get him to spill or see if he's hiding something, then we'll know if it was him," Ale spoke and suggested her plan to me. Neymar was actually sitting a few seats away from us, all alone like the other players. They didn't share seats with anyone.

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