Chapter twenty-three

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Ay mija, nosotros también te extrañamos mucho. Le pido a Dios que siempre te proteja y te acompañe. Y le dices a Alejandra, que nosotros también la extrañamos. Maybe one day you two can introduce Neymar to us, he sounds like a wonderful guy. Te quiero mucho mija, cuídate."

"Yo también te quiero mucho ma," Before she hung up, I told my mom that I loved her. We had been talking for at least twenty minutes and I was glad we had the chance to talk. Because of the time zone difference, I didn't get to talk to my parents as much as I wanted. But today was different. Despite it being past midnight for them, my parents were still up, celebrating with their friends.

I mentioned Neymar to her and she was surprised when I told her that he hangs out with us a lot. Other than that, it was just another one of those motherly conversations she had with me. If I had come across someone who had the potential to be my future boyfriend, but I told her I hadn't, and I don't think I will anytime soon. The apartment door swung open, and in walked Pierre, who surprisingly didn't seem annoyed today. "She's still showering, I don't think she'll be out anytime soon," Ale had just woken up and was currently in the shower. The food from last night left her in a food coma. And Pierre had come by earlier to ask if we were ready, but we weren't, and still, we weren't ready to leave.

"Miss, is there any chance you can do me a favor?" Pierre completely brushed off what I said, causing my eyes to widen as I realized he had asked me for a favor. It was strange because Pierre, who always seemed like a perfectionist, never needed any help.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked him.

His face lit up with relief as soon as he heard me say that, "I was wondering if you could help me find Mr.Mbappé. It's been quite a long time since I've heard from him. And well based on your history with him, maybe you could possibly tell me where he is at?"


Why does he think I have history with Kylian? Besides all the arguments, I didn't really spend much time with him to be told we had history together, "Uh, I don't think I know where he's at. Sorry Pierre."

"Surely you must miss, I haven't seen him in a few days. It is quite difficult to get in contact with him, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't need the help," Pierre kept insisting and I felt sorry for him. He must've been really desperate to find Kylian if he was asking for my help. Since Kylian was also his boss, I took that into consideration and wondered if maybe he forgot to pay Pierre or something.

As I looked away from Pierre's desperate eyes, I started wondering where Kylian could be. It didn't take long for me to realize the only spot he could possibly be at. It's the place that always brings him peace when he's sad or angry. The small bridge near the beach. "I think I might know where he is at, but should we wait for Alejandra?" Usually, I didn't use Ale's full name, but since Pierre didn't seem to care about us, he probably didn't know that she's always called by her nickname.

"No, there is little time. We must leave this instant. Don't worry, we'll come back for her later," Pierre signaled for me to come with him, clearly not wanting to waste any time. We both walked towards the door, ready to find Kylian.

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