Chapter thirty-five

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(Y/n)'s POV

I couldn't think properly or sleep at all. And it was all because of some stupid text message. I told myself not to make a big deal out of it, yet here I am, waiting for Kylian to show up. It was that bad. Ale, too, was unable to sleep at all. Right now, she's in her room, talking to her parents over the phone. For them, it is the afternoon, while it is currently midnight here.

So it came as no surprise that Pierre was upset when I decided to call him, asking if he could tell Kylian to come over. Pierre did me the favor but made sure to point out that I lacked basic courtesy for others and had interrupted his sleep. Seriously, it felt like a full-on lecture, and for someone who was very grumpy about being awakened, he definitely had plenty of energy to scold me. Fortunately, Kylian was on his way, and meanwhile, I couldn't stop reading the message over and over again.

I wonder if the person who sent this message intended to make me panic excessively, and if so, their plan worked. Earlier, Ale attempted a method where she copied the account's username and clicked 'forgot password,' hoping to see the first letter of the email associated with that specific account. However, when Ale tried it, only the letter 'u' appeared, and we didn't know anyone with a name starting with that letter. Only 'user', of course. I guess whoever it is, they made sure not to make any mistakes.

What was their real motive in all of this? Besides causing drama, who was their primary target? Me or Kylian? Because for some reason, I felt like it was aimed more at me, and it made me feel sad to know that someone was out there trying to hurt me.

The hint of sadness shifted into relief the moment I heard the door knock, realizing my shining armor is here. I've never rushed to a door so quickly in my life, "Oh Kylian, I'm so happy you're here." I nearly knocked him over when I jumped into his arms, but I didn't care.

Kylian wrapped his arms around me for a moment before leaning back and giving me a kiss, just as he always does when he sees me, "Hola hermosa, I missed you. Is everything all right?"

I felt so bad when I noticed how sleepy he looked, but I was so happy he was here with me. "No, that's why I called Pierre, to tell you to come here. I need to show you something," I let go of him and turned my back, quickly entering the apartment to get my phone. Kylian followed me, closing the door behind him.

"What happened?" Kylian sounded worried and he had every reason to be. He literally received an unexpected call and was told to come here without much information from Pierre.

"Read this," I offered my phone for him to take with the message already fully displayed for him to read.

His emotions, well, they were quite raw. Never before have I seen Kylian react in such a scary way. What made it so scary was how his face showed no anger until I glanced at his hand, the one clutching my phone, shaking violently. "Are you okay?" I was worried, seeing how he gripped my phone with such force, fearing he might break it.

"Yes. I'm fine," He pretended as if nothing had happened and handed me back my phone.

Was he seriously not going to explain what was going on? "Really? Is that all you have to say?"

"What do you want me to tell you?" Kylian asked nonchalantly.

Now he's really starting to annoy me, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe you should explain why that account sent me that message? What happened on the night we met back in December? Are you hiding something?"

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