Chapter thirty-seven

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(Y/n)'s POV

"They were eating each other's faces in front of me."

Here he goes.

Neymar had been sharing with Ale what Kylian and I had done in front of him as we finished enjoying the countless dishes of Brazilian food we had ordered. It was so embarrassing and I knew Ale would go on and on about it. "Oh, trust me. They always do that in front of me. Just ignore it at this point," Ale didn't sound surprised.

"Gross," Neymar found it disgusting.

Okay, now he was behaving like a hypocrite. "Ironic, coming from you," Did Neymar forget that typically, one needs to engage in at least some form of intimacy, like making out, to get in the mood for sex?Considering how often he has sex with multiple women, it's hard to believe he doesn't involve himself in kissing before having sex. So, his claim of finding kissing gross seems like bullshit.

It was pretty obvious that Neymar didn't like what I had told him, "What do you mean?" He was playing dumb, but I could sense that he was offended.

"Don't act dumb now, we all know you love kissing more than anyone else." I told him.

But I guess he was either still pretending to be oblivious or genuinely confused. And whatever it could possibly be, I'll have to be more thorough in my explanation to him.

"Before having sex with someone, Neymar, what do you typically do?"

"I talk to them?" Neymar replied with a smart-ass remark.

Ale laughed, but I didn't. Maybe I need to be more specific with him.

Real specific. "Excuse my language, but come on, what the fuck do you do before fucking someone? You don't fucking talk before sticking it in, you need to get them wet, and how do you do that? By making out with that person. So don't say making out is gross because it isn't, especially when you do it all the time, Neymar." By the end of my ranting, I was surprised that I had even gone all out like that.

"Woah (y/n). Here I was, thinking you were innocent." After tilting his head to the side slightly, Neymar smirked at me. "Guess I was wrong."

"What? No! I am innocent. I just wanted to make sure you were aware that you were being somewhat hypocritical with the whole 'kissing is gross' opinion." I was innocent. I mean, the only reason I knew about building intimacy before sex was through the countless movies and books I've consumed over the years.

And the make-out session I had with Kylian earlier almost tempted me to take things further, but it ended before I could fully process the idea. I hated myself for thinking like that because I knew I wasn't ready.

"No but seriously, she's innocent. Literally the most innocent person you'll ever meet," Ale had my back.

Somewhat exaggerated, but still, she had my back.

"Maybe she used to be innocent, but from what I've seen, people can cause others to change." Neymar, all serious, even started throwing shade at Kylian. I just knew he was implying that Kylian had changed me, and if that's what Neymar believed, then I wasn't going to argue with him.

It wasn't worth it. Especially since Neymar is so stubborn, I swear he's a real airhead.

What was so wrong about my reaction when Kylian kissed me? Nothing. Sure, it caught me off guard, but he's the only one who's been making my heart beat like crazy lately, so my reaction felt entirely valid. "I'll never change for anyone, but it seems like you have, haven't you? I mean, since you brought it up, has someone changed you, Neymar?" I did my best to avoid sounding shady.

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