Chapter five-

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(Y/n)'s POV

After leaving the stadium, it was already nighttime. And who knows where my parents went after we arrived at our hotel. They were celebrating with a couple they met during the game, who also happened to be from Mexico.

"Ale, I'm hungry," As we lay on our beds at the hotel, I glanced at her. We hadn't eaten all day. It was only 10 at night, so I doubted any restaurants were open. Although I might be wrong, it feels like the whole city is celebrating Argentina's win tonight. After Argentina's win today, it took a whole hour just to leave the stadium. The outside was packed with people celebrating.

Ale glanced up from her phone, "Same, let's try to find any Mexican restaurants near us.

I quickly grabbed my phone and started searching for nearby restaurants that were open at this time. To my surprise, I was able to find a restaurant that didn't close until midnight, and was only 20 minutes away. "Viva Mexico is the only place open right now and it's not that far," I told Ale, while holding up my phone to show her.

"Okay, let's go." She said, while grabbing her purse and walking towards the door. We left the hotel and called an Uber to take us to where we wanted to go.

I didn't even realize I hadn't eaten all day until it suddenly hit me. We didn't even have breakfast this morning because we were rushing to get to the stadium early. After the game, my parents were so happy with the big win that they completely forgot about getting food.

Right now, my dad is having the time of his life, and I'm so glad to see him this happy —especially since he's always working. So I won't bother him, I'll let them enjoy their time. "You know what (y/n), we should go shopping right after. Christmas is around the corner and I haven't bought my parents any gifts," Ale said.

"Uh Ale, I don't think we can afford anything if we went to the mall either ways. Seriously, everything here is so expensive," My answer wasn't what Ale wanted to hear, since she didn't say anything back. But even she knew that we were just two broke college students on a trip that only happened because my dad invited us. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to afford any of this.

The car ride was completely silent, I didn't even touch my phone. I found myself admiring the buildings around me.

It seems like this trip turned out to be better than expected after all. It feels like I haven't been on a family trip since I was a little girl. We used to go to Mexico or Florida to visit Disney World. But ever since I graduated high school, I haven't had the time.

After a few minutes, the Uber arrived at the restaurant, and we thanked the driver before getting out of the car.

It felt like we were the only ones out at this time. As I looked around the area, there was no one in sight. The only thing that caught my attention were the lights surrounding the little restaurant. As Ale and I walked side by side towards the restaurant, we were greeted by a vibrant display of traditional Mexican designs. Seriously, the small were beautifully placed in every corner of the restaurant. A trip like this was beyond anything we had ever done before.

"Welcome ladies, follow me please. Its not always like this but I think everyone is too busy celebrating right now," I noticed the accent in the waitress's voice right away and could tell she was Mexican. She led us to a table tucked away in the corner of the restaurant. It seemed like the other sections were closed, and only this area was open.

"Its okay, I like when it isn't full. Usted si habla español, verdad?," While staring at the table she took us to, I asked curiously.

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