The universe has a plan for everyone, grab its hand, and let it guide you wherever it wants to take you ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺
Even if it meant crossing paths with Kylian Mbappé.
Every college student dreams of holiday vacations. Especially for those who desire...
It had been two weeks since I last saw Kylian, which was when we had our argument after he found out we hung out with Neymar. At one point, I even thought something bad had happened to him since I didn't see him at the facility. But Ale told me she would watch the PSG games on her phone and he was there, playing in every match with a smile on his face. So he was definitely ignoring us.
Well, until Neymar told me that Kylian had been skipping practice for a while. Kylian would show up on some days and make excuses for the days he didn't come. Even on the days he didn't miss, I had no clue if he'd intentionally arrive late to avoid seeing us or not. I didn't want to jump to conclusions. And today was one of those days when he didn't show up to train. According to Neymar, nobody has seen him today.
As usual, I was cleaning a room, and Ale was helping me out. We talked with Neymar while we cleaned, and he was running on the treadmill. "Wait are you being serious? You want to eat there again?" Ale asked, after hearing Neymar say he wanted to have dinner at the Brazilian restaurant we went to last time. And honestly, I didn't mind at all because the food they served there was really delicious. Unlike the croissants we had every morning, I could never get tired of eating Brazilian food. It was absolutely the best.
"Yes, do you not want to? (y/n), do you mind if we eat there again?" Neymar asked me while he lowered the treadmill speed to hear my response.
"No, not at all," I sent him a smile, and I watched as he returned a smile before focusing on his progress on the treadmill. I don't think I could ever refuse Neymar; he was just too kind for me to simply disagree with.
And then I started thinking about Kylian and all the arguments we used to have. Even though I didn't enjoy arguing with him, I couldn't help but wonder if he was doing alright. "You know Neymar, I'm glad I didn't meet you during my middle school days," Ale told Neymar and I smirked at her. Our middle school days were hilarious; we were complete opposites, yet still best friends.
"Why do you say that?" He asked her.
"Let's just say, I was a huge fan of yours," As Ale glanced my way, we both reminisced about those days when she would fangirl over Neymar. She used to be obsessed with him. I still remember when she cried because he couldn't continue playing in the 2014 World Cup after getting injured.
While she spent countless days and months talking about him, expressing her desire to marry him, I was caught up in my own middle school phase. Back then, I had my own obsession with fictional characters, so I understood Ale's phase. But now that we're older, we find those days embarrassing. It's hard not to be reminded of those days when we're living in such an unimaginable experience. It feels like we're living in a complete fantasy, just like the ones I used to read about during my teen years.
And yet, I had no clue why I suddenly felt so surprised. Just like last time, I had no idea why that feeling suddenly came over me but I'm just going to ignore it.
"Let me guess, she had a crush on me?" Neymar hopped off the treadmill and then looked at me, wanting me to confirm if he was correct.
"A big one," I made sure to emphasize how much Ale loved Neymar back in middle school.
Ale rolled her eyes when she heard me say that and covered her cheeks, embarrassed. "Don't be shy Alejandra, I'm sure (y/n) had a crush on me too," Neymar saw her covering her face in embarrassment.
"No, unfortunately (y/n) never had a thing for futbol or any futbol player," Ale made sure to say the last part very loudly because it was true. I was never a big fan of the sport and I doubt Neymar knew that. Although I'm sure we mentioned it before, but I don't really remember.
"That's good, at least we know she won't fall for any futbol player. Anyways, do you guys want to leave right now? I'll take a quick shower and then we can head out," The mention of me not falling for a futbol player caught me off guard, but I chose to ignore it since I thought he was just joking around with me.
"Go ahead, we'll wait," I told him, and he nodded before grabbing his towel and walking away towards the door. I watched him walk away and a wave of sadness hit me as he disappeared from sight. I thought about it and realized that once we leave France, our friendship with Neymar would end. I didn't want to get attached to him because I would miss him a lot.
We were close to him, but not too close, and I had already felt sad thinking about leaving him. I couldn't even imagine how much sadder I would be if we got closer to him, which is why I'm hesitant to hang out with him, "Ale? I don't know how to say this but, are you sure we should hang out with Neymar again? I don't want to get attached to him, you know how much it's going to hurt once we leave." Ale paused her cleaning, looked at me for a moment, and put down the mop.
"So you finally accepted that you actually like being here? Who are you? What did you do to my best friend?" Ale put on a fake shocked expression and I rolled my eyes at her playful antics.
But she was right. When did I suddenly start liking this place? Maybe it was the people I spent time with that made it a better experience. Like Neymar, which would explain why I felt bad about leaving him. "I don't mind temporarily living here. Of course, I hate the cleaning part but I can't tell you exactly why I had a change of mind," It was strange, I used to despise being here but now that feeling is gone.
"(y/n), I've been attached to Neymar since we met him. He clearly enjoys our presence, there's nothing we can do about that. Don't worry, I have a good feeling about all of this. And I wish I could explain it to you but it's just this feeling I have in my stomach. Okay? Trust me, please," Ale begged me, and of course, I always trusted her. She was the only person I trusted besides my parents. Even if she's been wrong before, I'll continue to trust her.
I didn't have to tell her my answer, she already knew I trusted her, "So what do we do now?"
"We continue enjoying our lives."
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