Chapter twenty-four

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(Y/n)'s POV

Regret. That was all I felt on the way back to the apartment. Pierre was busy talking to Kylian, who I couldn't bring myself to look at. With each passing building, my regret intensified about the decision I made. I shouldn't have returned Kylian's kiss. But beneath it all, I was deceiving myself. Amongst the regret, there was a tiny feeling that enjoyed the kiss I shared with Kylian. It felt so right, but admitting that to him is something I won't do. At least, not now.

I was lost. My emotions were all over the place because of just one simple kiss. Who would've thought I'd end up kissing the person who pretended to hate me? The same person who argued with me every day, only for me to find out he had secretly been in love with me. I wanted to forget everything, but I couldn't. His kiss lingered on my lips, and I hated myself for thinking about it. Maybe that's why I regret it so much. If I hadn't kissed Kylian back, my feelings wouldn't be so mixed up. His cologne stayed on me after the kiss, and I could still smell it with each inhale.

As the car stopped by the curb in front of the apartment building, I quickly unfastened my seatbelt and opened my door, not bothering to wait for Pierre to do it. "(y/n), wait-" Kylian made an effort to speak to me, but I had already stepped out of the car, and slammed the door shut before he could finish his sentence. Without looking back, I sensed Kylian hadn't followed me into the building. The silence told me everything I needed to know. Nevertheless, I quickened my pace inside the building, heading towards the elevator. I had to tell Ale everything that had happened, she was definitely going to freak out.

Between the two of us, she was the one who believed in the idea that the universe reciprocates. I wasn't specifically referring to manifestation, which Ale never practiced, but she held the belief that expressing gratitude to the universe could attract more opportunities. With the news I had to share, I was sure she'd think of it as an opportunity from the universe.

The walk to the apartment felt endless, given that the elevator was crowded with unfamiliar faces. I allowed them to push the floor buttons they needed until I was finally the last person in the elevator. Throughout the entire wait, there was only one person on my mind.


His eyes haunted my thoughts, those uniquely beautiful eyes of his. No matter how often I stared into them, I could never figure out their shape. The moment the elevator door opened, those thoughts quickly vanished. I turned and walked towards our apartment door. This was about to get interesting. With the key gripped in my hand, I unlocked the door, and my eyes fell upon Ale, seated on the couch as usual, her phone in her hand.

She quickly lifted her eyes, instantly meeting mine, "Where have you been, and where is my drink? I thought Pierre drove you to Starbucks to buy me a drink, considering both of you have no patience for me. Seriously, you couldn't wait until I finished my shower?" And normally, I would explain myself to her, but this couldn't wait. I had to tell her already without hesitation.

"I have something to tell you, don't freak out though," When I mentioned the last few words, I could have sworn I noticed a twinkle in her eyes. Being fond of gossip, I felt she already knew I was about to share something interesting without saying it directly.

"Kylian kissed me. He also told me he loved me and that he thinks of me every day. Day till night."

Never in my entire life had I seen Ale's eyes widen so much, her mouth hung open, and her phone slipped to the side of the couch. She was shocked, just as I had been when Kylian first told me he loved me, "If you're joking around with me, you better tell me right now."

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