The universe has a plan for everyone, grab its hand, and let it guide you wherever it wants to take you ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺
Even if it meant crossing paths with Kylian Mbappé.
Every college student dreams of holiday vacations. Especially for those who desire...
Today wasn't bad, except for the argument with Kylian about sneaking out and my clothes. Overall, it was a decent day for me. We cleaned different rooms, but honestly, we didn't do much work in any of them. We just pretended to be busy. When we first arrived at the facility, Kylian went off to do his own thing, and we didn't see him all morning. But just now, he personally asked me to join him outside.
I followed behind him and walked onto the field where he and the other players would train. Since he was in front of me, he didn't notice that I was covering my body with my arms. It was so cold outside. He had everything on, covering his entire body perfectly, so he couldn't feel the cold breeze. He even had gloves on.
I let my arms drop to my side when he turned around to look at me. I didn't want him to see me covering up because he had told me earlier to change since it was so cold outside. I glanced around and saw two full baskets of balls and a small goal post nearby, "Why are we here?"
"Because. I want to play with you, every time you score a goal, you can ask me anything, and I'll do the same," Kylian grabbed one of the baskets and pulled it closer to where we were standing.
"If you wanted to play 21 questions, you could've just asked."
"Nah, this is way better," He placed a ball onto the ground. Yeah, it's definitely an advantage for him knowing he won't miss any goals, unlike me. I checked the distance between the ball and the goal post, and there was no way I could make any goals. It was just too far.
He had this smirk on his face, like he could see right through me. He probably knew I was panicking about the distance between the ball and the goal post. "I'll go first," He confidently stepped forward and effortlessly kicked the ball right into the goal post.
Of course.
He faked coughed before his eyes met mine, "Is your boyfriend mad at you for being here?" That question really caught me off guard too. It was so random and he seemed genuinely curious. His face said it all.
"No," I gave him a dry answer and headed towards the basket, grabbing a ball and placing it on the ground.
"No what?" He asked me.
"That's already another question, you can only ask one since you only made one goal."
He stayed quiet after I said that, and I was glad. He was such a noisy person. Now, how in the world was I going to score a goal? I decided to go all out, but make it look effortless. I kicked the ball hard, and to my surprise, it went right into the goal post. I mentally did a cartwheel in my head, I was so good.
Kylian side-eyed me as I walked back to where he was, "Your footwork is bad, don't hit the ball like that. Look, you're suppose to hit it like this," He showed me with his foot how to properly hit a ball, according to him.
"Oh I don't care. So, do you have a girlfriend?" I decided to ask him so he can see how it feels when someone gets all up in your personal business.
"Nah," He answered, quickly grabbing another ball, and placing it on the ground — damn, eager much? Once again, he scored a goal.
I did my absolute best to stay calm, even though it was freezing. My arms were covered in goosebumps. Kylian quickly grabbed a ball from the basket and set it on the ground for me to kick. "Answer my question, does it bother your boyfriend that you're over here?"
Sheesh, this man was impatient, "No because I don't have a boyfriend."
I walked towards the ball, but inside, I was dying from the coldness. Hopefully, we wouldn't stay out here for too long. Unfortunately, I didn't score the goal this time.
"Yes sir!" A happy Kylian cheered loudly from behind but I didn't really mind. I was too busy freezing to even react.
"Here, let me teach you," He offered to help me, but I'm not sure how exactly he would help. So I just stood there, waiting for him to do whatever he was going to do. He gently nudged me forward towards the ball, positioning himself right behind me. I could feel him.
"You're freezing," He whispered in my ear, his fingers delicately brushing against my arm. My heart was racing, the sudden chills down my spine. Being close to a man like that was a new experience for me, not because I was attracted to Kylian or anything.
He used his foot to push one of my legs back, then placed his foot behind my heel, "All you have to do is hit the ball from the side of your foot." He instructed, but I was too busy freezing and processing what was happening. Before I knew it, Kylian had his foot behind my heel and kicked the ball for me.
The ball went through the goal post, and I finally distanced myself from him, standing farther away, "Okay I have a question for you, why did you bring me out here?"
"To teach you a lesson, you should've listened to me but you didn't, and now you're freezing. I told you it was cold outside," Kylian had a smirk on his face.
I sent him a fake smile, "I wouldn't be freezing if you didn't force me to come out here with you so that's a pretty stupid lesson that you're trying to teach me. You are the one at fault, not me."
How was he supposed to teach me a lesson if I hadn't done anything wrong? I needed him to use his brain for once and think, "In fact ever since I've crossed paths with you, I've been paying for everything that you have done to me. A stupid contract, being tackled, and then painfully having a ball kicked to my face. So shouldn't you be the one learning a lesson?"
Kylian's smirk faded, his jaw clenched, and then he took a deep breath and stopped, "You are right, I'm sorry. Here." He started to take off his thin training hoodie and then offered it to me.
I reached out to grab the hoodie, only for him to pull it back towards him again. "Next time wear a sweater if you're cold," He walked past me, leaving me alone as the wind breeze gently brushed across my face.
I couldn't do this anymore, I'd rather be in debt for life, and even for my children's lives, then spend another second with Kylian.
He was such an asshole.
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