Chapter eighteen-

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Fuck, I feel like I'm dying," As I laid down on the couch, I grabbed the lower part of my stomach in pain. It had been the third day of my period, and I had the worst cramps ever. It suddenly came on the same night we arrived in Riyadh, just a few hours after going to the playground with Kylian. The same night when Neymar wanted to watch movies, and I instantly felt bad for leaving Kylian, thinking Ale had a real emergency. We didn't get invited to the game they had the next day, so I ended up chilling at the hotel while dealing with my period. I was actually relieved that I didn't have to go out in public and deal with it there.

We arrived in France last night and now it's the next morning. Honestly, I just don't feel like cleaning at all today. I told Pierre I couldn't go and I had no clue where he went. Ale was sleeping beside me on the couch, and I wish I could do the same, but my cramps were killing me. I was running on a low sleep schedule too, I barely slept due to all the pain. I didn't have any pills with me to ease the cramping, so I was stuck dealing with them.

A quick knock on the door caught my attention, and there stood Pierre with Kylian right behind him. Kylian, with his usual grumpy face, walked towards me, holding a white bag in his hand, "Are you two ready to leave? We're running late." Kylian's booming voice caused Ale to slowly awaken, blinking her eyes a few times.

"I can't go today, I have really bad cramps, and I'm dying," I told Kylian. There was no way I'd clean while feeling gross and in pain. If he thought I was going to go, he was definitely mistaken. And I wasn't being dramatic, the pain from the cramps was absolutely killing me.

Kylian didn't respond to what I had just said and placed the white bag on the table in front of the couch. I watched as he pulled out boxes of pads and tampons from the bag, causing Ale to burst out laughing, "I don't know which one you use so I bought you all of these. And here are some pills for your stomach pain." He handed me a capsule of pills with French text written all over it.

I turned to stare at Ale, and she stopped laughing, looking at me in shock. Even she couldn't believe that Kylian knew about medicine for period cramps. "How'd you know I needed this?"

"I have my ways," He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at his cockiness when he did that. Seriously though, how did he know about those pills? And I couldn't even picture him holding those pads in his hand while buying them.

"Bullshit. Probably one of your hoes was on her period when you asked her to have sex with you, which is why you know about those pills and the pads. Oh, let's not forget about the tampons too."

Kylian turned to stare at Ale after hearing her say that, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Alejandra Jimenez, you know the person who beat you up that one night," Ale responded with a smirk on her face and I could tell she didn't appreciate his question. Whenever she got angry, that particular smirk would appear, and I had a feeling things were about to get messy.

Ale loved bringing up the past, no matter what. It's her favorite tactic to get under the other person's skin during an argument. And it always worked, I knew from experience.

Kylian narrowed his eyes at her, "Yes, only because I don't hit women." Kylian was getting all defensive, Ale was definitely getting under his skin. Meanwhile, Pierre watched from a distance, with an amused look on his face.

"You don't hit women but you sure know how to tackle them," Ale was still going at it, arguing back with Kylian. I was really taken aback by what she said this time. She was so real for saying that. Kylian didn't say anything afterwards. He just stayed quiet, then muttered something to Pierre in French.

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