Chapter twenty-

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(Y/n)'s POV

It was the day of the masquerade party, and I was standing in front of the venue's mirror. Ale was helping me put on my mask from behind. I stared at her through the mirror and admired the hairstyle I did on her. I curled her hair completely and put it in a half-up, half-down style. The hairstyle went perfectly with her dress. My hair was also half up and half down, but my curls were looser than Ale's. We didn't want to put our masks on until we arrived here. The place was heavily guarded outside and located in a discreet alley.

But the best part of my entire look was the necklace that sat so beautifully on the lower part of my neck. I had completely forgotten about that beautiful butterfly necklace until today when I found it hidden in a safe spot. I kept it hidden in the clothes in a drawer in one of the rooms in the apartment. But today, I finally decided to wear it, not caring if the person who gave it to me would be at the party. I stared at it in the mirror, feeling the same love for it as when I first laid eyes on it.

Ale finished securing the strings of my mask and stared at me through the mirror, gasping in awe, "Woah (y/n). Look at yourself, tes ves muy hermosa." I gave her a soft smile as we continued to stare at each other through the mirror. Ale always knows how to boost my confidence, and I absolutely love that about her.

"Ale, you've been saying that all day. Pero you look beautiful as well, eres una diosa," I returned the compliment, telling her how absolutely stunning she looked. Her dress perfectly complemented her skin tone and accentuated her figure with its cape-like design.

We headed upstairs, carefully making our way along the staircase. The decorations were on point for the theme. I actually thought this party would be more casual, but it turned out to be quite serious. We had to be careful not to trip on our dresses while wearing these beautiful heels we got from the same store we went to yesterday. They looked amazing, but walking in them was a bit of a struggle. The stairs were stunning, made of the finest materials with golden flakes in the marble. They had a castle-like feel, curving into a circle and leading to enormous doors.

We grabbed onto the massive door handles and opened each door. Right away, a few people turned to stare, but we just kept walking. The lighting changed drastically. Unlike the bright lighting outside, the room was dimly lit with a blue hue. The dim blue lighting created a mysterious atmosphere that complemented the masquerade theme perfectly. Everyone around us had masks on, perfectly following the theme. I couldn't recognize anyone.

We headed over to where they were serving drinks and picked up one of the red cups. As soon as I caught a whiff of the alcohol, I put it back, and Ale did the same. No way was I going to get drunk in a foreign country, especially with mostly men around us. We were just standing there, observing everyone else dancing and having conversations. Some women were wearing these massive gowns, "Are we the only ones not wearing gowns?" I shouted to Ale over the loud music, feeling like we were the only ones wearing dresses with slits. Seriously, some of those women looked like they stepped out of the 18th century.

"Yes but who cares, everyone is too busy staring at us. Deep down they probably regret overdressing," Ale responded. I can only imagine how hot it must have been underneath those massive gowns. But she was right, the majority of the men were indeed staring at us. Our dresses were definitely the most revealing compared to everyone else. But honestly, our dresses weren't even that revealing, so it's not like we were desperate for attention or anything. We definitely aren't like that. I glanced around and didn't recognize most of the people. I think they're the wives and girlfriends of some of the players.

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