Part 17

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Because of her sympathy for Bai Xingmeng, Cheng Yao was very concerned about her case. Last night, she worked overtime to prepare the prosecution materials. Early the next morning, she sent the full set of materials to Qian Heng for review.

Although his mouth is poisonous, Qian Heng is also responsible for one million points for his work. Soon, Cheng Yao received his email reply. The indictment she drafted has all been revised using the revised mode and attached. Some comments briefly explaining the reason for the modification.

So Cheng Yao was very efficient and sent the case filing materials to the court today.

However, as soon as she came back from the court, she encountered an unexpected guest at the main entrance of Jun Heng——

Dong Min.

However, the last time I saw Dong Min, who was proud and well-dressed, today his face is pale and his eyes are red and swollen. The posture is completely gone. Cheng Yao walks towards her. Dong Min has no time to take a look. She seems What else was more important? Cheng Yao had only time to see that she quickly walked into Jun Heng's door, with a sad expression, her dress flashed by.

"Qian Heng! What about Qian Heng! I'm looking for Qian Heng!"

The front desk tried to intercept: "Miss Dong, do you have an appointment? Without an appointment..."

Dong Min didn't realize it. There were tears in her eyes and her lips trembled: "No, I will see Qian Heng soon. I have to ask clearly what is going on!"

"Cheng Yao!"

Just when Dong Min was helpless, she swept to Cheng Yao who was standing behind her. Dong Min, who was suspicious and suspicious, didn't even ask why Cheng Yao appeared in Junheng at this moment. She just rushed up and held it. Cheng Yao's hand: "If you are there, would Qian Heng be there? Please, let me meet Qian Heng, I really have something important..."

Dong Min caused quite a stir in the large office area, and several other lawyers have already started to look around.

Cheng Yao was a little embarrassed: "Lawyer Qian is really not here, and he went out for court in the morning..."

Don't say that he is really out now, even if he didn't go out, he must have ordered me to intercept you. Cheng Yao squeezed a sweat. If he didn't stop him, he might even tell Qian Heng how to clean up.

I don't know what luck it was. Qian Heng walked in from the front door as soon as she finished saying this. It seemed that the trial went smoothly, but this point was over.

Qian Heng frowned. As soon as he was about to attack the crowd at the door, his gaze ran into Cheng Yao's eyes unsuspectingly.

Cheng Yao was winking at him, like a clumsy undercover, hinting at the danger ahead, and the moment Dong Min saw Qian Heng, the despair of heroic sacrifice flashed across Cheng Yao's face.

Qian Heng's mood was suddenly a little happy, he thought, her expression was quite rich and entertaining.


Compared with Qian Heng's calmness, Dong Min is much more excited. She raised her voice: "Qian Heng!"

Just when Cheng Yao thought that Qian Heng would give him a "bad" death sight, Qian Heng unexpectedly did not avoid Dong Min.

It's just that his attitude, although active, is extremely indifferent: "I can't talk to you about your father's case, you don't use it to find me."

Dong Min was anxious: "That's my father! Why can't I know!"

"Because my client is him, not his daughter. I only protect his interests and his privacy, not yours."

"What the **** is going on, Qian Heng, you can make it clear why my dad suddenly sued to divorce my mother? Didn't they always be very affectionate? It doesn't make sense! It's impossible! I even said the next one a week ago. On my mom's birthday, he wanted to take her to the place where they met for the first time. Is there anything wrong?"

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