S2 ep. 6 Trip to Earth! [Part 2]

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A/N: Something awaits you back on Earth reader....what might it be 👀?

Blitzo: A new fuckin' job if your doing killing behind my back!!

A/N: Get the hell out!!

Blitzo: Dibs on next!

A/N: (sighing)

To the story!

[Footsteps walking]

Y/N: (in awe) Damn man!

Y/N: (smiling) Shit hasn't changed a bit! 

You looked around Hillside Heights seeing the scenery. As you were walking you spotted a poster with your picture on it.



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REWARD: $500,000

Call HS-PD

Y/N: Nah that's some BS, he tried to kill me first but of course that makes me a criminal for defending myself! 

Y/N: (sighing) Looks like I gotta keep a low profile 'round here!

You looked around at nearby bystanders cautiously as you began your walk to your home. While walking you bumped into someone unknowingly.

Y/N: My bad Miss!

???: No it's quite alright-...

???: You look familiar (looking towards the poster)!

You quickly turned your head to the side now dismissing her claim.

Y/N: (turning away) Uhh nah nah....you must got me mixed with someone else!

???: (gasping) 

???: Y-Your that murder!!!

Y/N: (deadpan medium paced tone) Little bit of a stretch for what I called self-defense but sure!

Y/N: Look lady...what is it gonna take for you to not see any of this!

???: What the freak do I look like to you???!

Y/N: Right now someone who could be on her merry way somewhere else....there's a shit ton of problems in the world. So....let's forget this one!! 

Y/N: You saw nothing....you know nothing!!

As you walked past, the sound of snapshot was heard. Stopping dead in your tracks you turned around to the woman manipulatively smirking at you holding her phone in your direction.

Y/N: (annoyed tone) Ooh you bitch!

???: The names' Lavender you ass!

Lavender: (cunning jib) Now now....let's work out a deal....play nice and ~maybe~ I forget this whole issue....(smirking)!

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now