Uncle 2-Tap Mike

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Here is your Uncle Mike finally.

Older brother to Your father and Yenxyn

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Older brother to Your father and Yenxyn

First born Son of Royal Hellhound king VecNr

Hound Colors:

Brown primary

White/Grey secondary

Symbolic Markings color:
Not activated: Medium black

Activated: Deep Green

Human form:

Skin: Brown

Hair color: Black

Height: Hound size

14 feet tall

Human size: 7'4"

Status: Single/formal
Veronika involved

Abilities: base status:

Super human strength

Super human endurance

Super human stamina

Refined mixed martial arts fighting

Abilities: Royal hound status:

Feral Super Hound Strength

Feral Super Hound endurance

Feral Super Hound stamina

Symbolic markings glow, adding peak natural strength boost

Hound back: Glowing royal hound face adding higher peak physical endurance boost

Senses heighten, situational awareness, fighting skills boosted, and keen sharp decision making

Anonymous details:
Chill, laid back, serious when needed to, and overall relatable

Knows of Ivan Mikorov

Neutral feels towards Yenxyn

Always looking for a way to escape reality while trying to keep the family safe.

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now