S1 ep. 2 Father-to-father!

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Blitzo: (walking up)

Blitzo: Ahh shiiiit....feel like I should've had something at the reeeeeadyyy....Ahh well fuck it!

Blitzo: Hiya Bitch, this is the second episode of-....(off screen to the production crew)...the fuck number season this is?

Producer: (hard whisper) Season 1!

Blitzo: Ahh yes....knew that, any you humanly weird fucko...I get caught up with your daddy in a parental talk....(adverting his eyes from you reader / Y/N)....*under his breath* boy, am I getting more than I can bargain for this week!

A/N: Get the hell outta here, you smell like ass!

Blitzo: The correct term is Boo-Tay....I smell like Boo -Tay!

A/N: Anyway, let's go on into the Story!

[View falls into the morning time showing Blitzo at the office]

Blitzo: (groaning) 

Blitzo: What the fuck is this???

Blitzo opened a enclosed envelope labeled to "Valid Reader". He sniffed around the envelope before opening it up.

Blitzo: (Reading the envelope) Uh huh...yeah...yeah...Mhm...

He then set the envelope down on top of his desk briefly taking in a breath before expressing his opinion on it.

Blitzo: Would make much sense if I knew how to read and understand!

[Knock knock]

Blitzo: (seething) Sonuvabitch!!!

Blitzo: (shouting) DOOR'S OPEN!!!!

The door opened showing Moxxie with a slightly stupid grin on his face. As he approached Blitzo, Blitzo started gaining a huge smug look not really knowing what was going on or more importantly....why Moxxie is smiling.

Blitzo: Stoooopp riiiiiight there Mox, your smile is actually sickening me...(gagging)!

Moxxie: (deadpan tone) Helpful...Sir!

Moxxie: But I'm here to say sir, I have something important to discuss!

Blitzo: What, your finally straight, not the gay homo you are!

Moxxie: WHAT???!!!

Moxxie: I was Bi Sir!!!!

Blitzo: (dismissively convinced) Ooh please Mox, I know a GAY man in denial when I see one....

Blitzo: (realizing his hypocritical statement)

Blitzo: (realizing his hypocritical statement)

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Blitzo: Ahem...(thinking) referring in the third person I mean....figuratively saying!

Moxxie: Uh sir are you-...

Blitzo: Thinking? Brainstorming? Playing with the joystick of happiness? ALL THE FUCKING ABOVE!!!

Blitzo: But go on Mox, say your little homo shit already!

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now