S1 ep. 10 Out for Blood [A Hybrid's Rage]!

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A/N: After hearing about what happened to your Uncle Mike from Striker, you choose to go on a bloodlust spartan rage reader, now looking forward to settling shit once and for all.

Blitzo: I am not letting you go out there, for fucks sake, Loonie will whoop my ass!!

A/N: Wrong person!

Blitzo: Ahhh.....Fuck youuuuu, where's the damn reader/Y/N??

A/N: Don't know but go do something already!

Blitzo: (sotto seething tone).....Your pushy as fuck *giving author the middle finger*!

To the revenge/avenging story! 

[View fades into a hospital going to a room]




2-Tap Mike: (slowly opening his eyes)

2-Tap Mike: (groaning)

2-Tap Mike: What.....happened??

???: You passed out!

Mike turned his head to see your pops getting up from the waiting chair along with your mom. They walked towards Mike looking concerned at him.

M/N: What happened Mike?

2-Tap Mike: .....

F/N: (demonically impatient) MIKE!?!

2-Tap Mike: That same dude who put Y/N in this hospital....was the same dude I fought!

Your father growled evilly at this and had a feeling he'd be next or your mom. He furiously paced back and forth while your mom tried to calm him down.

M/N: Honey....calm down please!

F/N: Calm down.....CALM DOWN?!?!?!?!!!!

F/N: This dude almost killed my son; he did a number on Mike......WHAT THE HELL IS IT NOT TO SAY YOU AND ME AREN'T NEXT?!?!?!

M/N: I-I.......(sad tone) I don't!

2-Tap Mike: Daman.....just breath for a sec....I'm alright!


F/N: Mike....they pried 5 blessed bullets out from your body, and on top of that you suffered severe burns from that blast!

2-Tap Mike: (slight head shaking in disbelief) *thinking* I'm getting old!

M/N: Mike what were you thinking going against him??

2-Tap Mike: He started shit with me ok, I wasn't even focus on his ass until he kicked me through a window!

F/N:....Did you at least whoop his ass?

2-Tap Mike: (smugly satisfied) I broke his ass, who the fuck you think I am Daman, I mothafuckin' Mike!!

Your father slightly smirked while your mom still stayed by him worrying. She then turned to your pops walking up to him to tell him something.

M/N: Let Y/N Know!

F/N: So he can end up back here again, you done lost yo mind woman!!

M/N: (furious) F/N "DAMAN" L/N....you call your son right now goddamnit....and TELL HIM!!!

F/N: (looking over at Mike)

2-Tap Mike: (looking away from F/N rubbing his head) *thinking* Damn....she said his whole name...!

F/N: (eye roll and groaning)....RRRRRRGGGHHHH.....fine!

Your pops pulled out his phone and started to dial you.

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now