S3 ep. 2 The Meeting! [Mafia Ties]

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A/N: Few days have passed since Yenxyn left the hospital after said "Little tussle" with you. A meeting is soon held within greed to discuss some very important to them news regarding you, your family and some other issues.

To the meeting of Mafia bosses and associates!

[Scene opens at Yenxyn's Estate/Mansion in West Greed]

Yenxyn was seen in his underground workout gym pumping heavy weights to the extreme, doing cardio and pushing himself further and further on his fighting skills. Riylah was sitting on a bench watching Yenxyn physically and mentally overexert himself.

Riylah: Yenxyn.....I think you've had enough. You've been pumping weights and training for a record 3 hours on end!

Yenxyn: (sweating profusely and panting heavily)

Yenxyn: I am determined.....*hah*...*hah*...*hah*....to get stronger and push past....*hah*...*hah*....limits!

Riylah: But you admitted and accepted your defeat!

Yenxyn: Da, tis true....and that is the way to getting stronger, admitting your beat is the correct amount of push both mentally and (looking at Riylah) physically, to make you strive to find new way to shatter limitation and (clutching his fist) brrreeeaaaakkk to higher plains of strength!!

Riylah: I'm just worried, what if this time when you choose to face your family, the outcome becomes worse?

Yenxyn: That tis for them to find out and for me to know. Think this, they are expecting me to make appearance soon again Riylah, buuut, this time I'll choose differently. I've been putting a few scenarios together to boost my strength as an exiled royal hound, one of which will get my strength on par with my ex-brothers aaaand.....(smiling sinisterly)....my fatherrrr!

Riylah: (concerned look)

Yenxyn then turned around and walked a few steps ahead of Riylah coming to a stop towards a wall by the fireplace. Yenxyn then said this to emphasize his building excited content.

Yenxyn: (half excited demonic tone) And it t'will beee.......quite a showstopper (looking at a old family portrait focusing solely on his father VecNr)! 

[Violent thunderclap]

Riylah: (soft smile)

Riylah: I would love to see that, but I hate to ruin your mood Yenxyn, you have 2 o'clock meeting with Crimson, Striker, and that cloaked human like sinner!

Yenxyn: (grumbling growl and exhale)

Yenxyn: Alright....I will shower. What time is it Riylah?

Riylah: Its 1!

Yenxyn: They should be here in 10 to 20 mins. When they get here, sit them in meeting room!

Riylah: (standing up) Yes Yenxyn!

Riylah soon left the workout room closing the door behind her. Yenxyn went to the mirror to look at himself and noticed his faded symbolic royal hound markings similar to VecNr's, Daman's, Mike's and yours where glowing white. He looked closely and felt a huge surge of strength and stamina increase in his body to the same degree if he used his white crystalized hue.

Yenxyn: My markings....(half demonic pleased tone) Yesssssss....the power is flowing within me, and....with the bonus of my white crystalized aura hue, I'll be twice the power and strength with stamina. Heh heh heeeeh....I'll give them a run for their money then BEAT them to death!!

Yenxyn then left the room and went to his private chambers preparing to take a well-deserved shower. 

[Time skip 20 mins later]

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