S1 ep. 12 Heathens! [Blood bath in Wrath] Finale

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A/N: Time for the finale showdown reader, remember NO MERCY!!!

To the story!

[Views sets into on you and Striker in a heated deadlock standoff]

Striker: (hissing)

Y/N: (growling)

Striker: (thinking) C'mon....do something already for fucks sake!

Y/N: (thinking) Need the right moment, once you slip up, yo ass is dead!

[Cavern water dripping]

Striker narrowly focused his eyes towards the glistening water drops falling behind you. He timed them in intervals seeing when the next drop falls, it'll make good for the first strike against you. The final water drop falls glistening brighter than the rest.

Striker: (eyes widen and deep low-quick grunt)

Striker swiftly underhanded threw the blessed blade towards you. Titling your head hard to the left you watched the blade go by, in a short time slowed paradox you saw yourself in the shiny angelic weapon before slowly adverting your eyes back to Striker.

Striker: (quick hiss) Dodge these....HOUND!!!

[Quick shot 6 bullet barrage]

You ducked and dodged all 5 except for the final which struck your left leg. You took a quick knee feeling the sting of the bullet, now observing the white/blue-ish steam venting out your wound.

Y/N: (thinking) Blessed bullets....!

You then heard fast approaching footsteps coming towards you seeing Striker's boot jab deep into your left side neck. He removed his boot as you held your neck seeing small bits of blood spew and jet out.

Y/N: (pained groaning)

Striker: Ya know what....

Striker: I retract my statement earlier....your still predictable as ever!!!

[Swift swoosh]

You swung your right leg directly into Striker's stomach faster than the blink of an eye. The impact sent him flying off a rock and onto the train tracks. He thrashed around in pain being unable to handle the blunt force that he took on from you.

Striker: (crying out painfully)

Striker: (thinking) How the HELL....UGGGHHHHHKKK!!!!!

You held your hand on your neck trying to stem the bleeding. You then took a half defensive stance now illuminating a crystalized hue around your body. Striker took noticed and remembered the same hue from Mike.

Striker: (thinking) That same power.....*under his breath*...your pissing me off!!

Y/N: (thinking) I'm losing blood....I need to kill him fast!

Striker sprinted towards you zigzagging to throw your senses and sight off. He jumped in the air reloading quickly his revolver before firing off more shots. You did a front shoulder roll landing on your feet, and from a deep squat, you jumped in the air rocketing a bone crushing right hand punch into his ribs. Mid-air clutching his left side in pain, you took that opportunity to grab Striker's face and headbutt him.

[Blow lands and loud grunt heard]

Y/N: (demonically enrage) THIS.....

[Heavy right hook punch]

Y/N: (demonically enraged) IS....

[Forceful left knee strike to Striker's chest]

Y/N: (demonically enraged) FOR....

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now