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A/N: Mike seems to find himself being pestered by Verosika who soon comes to find out your related to him. We all know how this will go, a certain Succubus in situations like this.

Onto the "middleman" story!

 [View opens in on Mike taking a call from someone]

*Live call active*

2-Tap Mike: Uh-huh!

???: (indistinct chatter)

2-Tap Mike: (slightly impatient) Well....is there anything you can do??

???: (indistinct chatter)

2-Tap Mike: (annoyed disbelief) Huh,....unless an incentive is presented...!

2-Tap Mike: You full of shit!

???: (indistinct somewhat yelling)

2-Tap Mike: I don't give a shit bout your attitude, i'm gonna do this myself...

2-Tap Mike: (annoyed arrogant tone) Goodbye!!

*Live call ends*

2-Tap Mike: (sighs)

Giving in the frustration of coming up short and dealing with a dumbass who wants to charge overly for simple need-to-know information pissed off Mike. He started slowly pacing feeling like he was at a dead end and for some reason.....couldn't shake the feeling that a surprise attack was on the horizon. He walked over to the window staring at his reflection and out into all of IMP city with Pentagram city in the distance.

2-Tap Mike: (thinking) I know your planning something Yenxyn....you and that human....to kill us all...(growling)!

???: (morning groaning)

???: ~Heyyy~!

Mike saw the reflection of Verosika walking out from the guest bedroom towards the kitchen. Mike followed her movements while still facing the windows.

Verosika: What are you doing hmm....can't be out here alone waiting on little old me now (slutty humming)!

2-Tap Mike: (eye roll and scoffing under his breath)

Verosika then had a quick flashback remembering you as you came off uninterested in her attempts when she tried to pull you. She glanced over at Mike and walked over to him now standing next to him.

2-Tap Mike: (turning his head further away from Verosika)

Verosika: You know, you remind me of someone who I tried to hit on a good good while back during spring break!

Verosika: His name was Y/N, and he was cute, feisty, and ~sexy~!

Mike's eyes widen at Verosika's statement, she was talking about you to Mike, and he picked up on it quickly. Mike soon turned to look down at Verosika now squatting down at her level as he asked her a question.

2-Tap Mike: Y/N??....As in my nephew Y/N?

Verosika: (shocking gasp)

Verosika: Y-You mean....(gesturing up and down Mike's body and looks)....Y/N got his looks from you??

2-Tap Mike:.....

Verosika blushed at the newly known information and begun to wonder if your father had the same looks or even better. She then trailed her finger tips up Mike's arm feeling him and imagining what sex would be like with him.

Verosika: (seductive tone) Must be pretty lonely here....all by yourself hehe!

2-Tap Mike: Look lady, I don't have all the time in the world for this, there are far worse things happening than your hormonal imbalance!

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now