S2 ep. 13 Unwavering ends! [Loona vs Lavender] Finale

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A/N: Hoo-Hooo....doggy fight coming reader, this will not require much out of you!

To the story!

[View opens to you and Lavender getting in your car]

*Car doors closing*

As you both got in, Lavender looked around the car and then started sharing her interest in the moment.

Lavender: Ya know babe....

Y/N: (focused stare facing forward)

Lavender: You could buy me a car like this...(looking at it questioningly)...th-this....uhhh car?

Y/N: (passive smart-ass tone) Dodge Challenger you mean...but yeah....(side eyeing Lavender)...car!

Lavender: Stop being a meany to me (pouting and blushing at you)!

Lavender: Don't make me get ~mean~ now!

Y/N: (thinking) I love my girlfriend; I love my girlfriend.....find ya peace or go in piece...

Y/N: (thinking) Loona's gonna murk you bad Lavender!

You started up the car and began your way back to your home. With your car getting smaller in the distance, your father was seen on top of the roof of the condo unit complex simply staring up at the stars.

F/N: Hope your enjoying heaven....(light emotional tone)...mom!

???: I know she is!

Your father then turned around seeing Mike himself walking out of the shadows to him.

F/N: Where you been at Mike?

F/N: Haven't seen you in a hot minute!

2-Tap Mike: Dealing with a persistent annoying succubus, but I got somethin' to tell you Daman!

F/N: What?

2-Tap Mike: Dad appeared to me a few nights ago!

F/N: (growing anger) He WHAT?!?!

2-Tap Mike: Before you say anything, he apologized for not being around and all!

Your father glared pissed like at Mike not liking the mention of their father, the great father of the hounds...the king hellhound himself.

F/N: (demonically enraged) I. DON'T. WANT. TO. HEAR. OF. Ḧ̷̨̨̻̰̟̯͎͈́̆̇̐̾͊̓͆̕͜͝I̷̭͗̈́̉̀̃͑͠M̸̧̟̣̬͉̦͙̘̈́̔̐̕ͅ!!!!

2-Tap Mike: You can't forever hold what dad did on his head Daman, sooner or later, you're gonna have to forgive him!

F/N: Easy for you to say Mike....

F/N:....You were always the favorite child!

2-Tap Mike: (voice deepening) That's bullshit and YOU know it!!

2-Tap Mike: Dad never had no favorites Daman (walking up close to your pops)!!

F/N: (growling) That's not the way I saw it! 

2-Tap Mike: (yelling) WHY CAN'T YOU FORGIVE AND LET GO ALREADY?!?!?!!!

F/N: Because....

F/N:....After you died, I was in the hospital BY myself with mom watching her life die faster and faster each coming minute....

2-Tap Mike:.....

F/N: With no way to get her that treatment, her remaining time alive kept dropping faster and fast and......(painfully vengeful) DAD.....was nowhere while all this happened!!

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now