S2 ep. 3 Final Changes! [The hound within]

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F/N: (narrating) In every Royal Hound's life, they experience changes to their physical appearances...some changes maybe subtle and others are....(demonic) FORCED!

F/N: Now that your 26 my son, your Royal Hound side will now become the reality of your physical appearance....

F/N: (demonic) GET.....READY!

A/N: To the story now!

[View opens in on you and Loona peacefully sleeping]

Y/N: (light snoring)

Loona: (peaceful sleeping)

You begun waking up feeling ready for a normal day, but something felt off to you. You looked around the bedroom trying to figure out what it could be. 

Y/N: (to yourself in low tone) Loona's here, windows are fine, doors are closed,....everything seems fine!

Y/N: (sharp inhale)

[View streaks to your eyes turning blood red and your hound fangs sharpening]

Inside your body you felt a burning inflammation heating all over you. You held your stomach feeling the heat reside there and got up leaving the bedroom. 

Y/N: (thinking) What the fuck is happening to me?!?!

You didn't make it past the couch now dropping to your knees falling over. You started grunting loud enough to wake Loona up.

[Loud grunting]

Loona: (morning tiredness) Nggghhh.....b-babe....w-who is it?


Loona: (turning over to your empty spot)

Loona: (questioning) Babe?

[More loud grunting]


Loona got out of Bed throwing on her night wear attire now rushing out into the living room seeing a huge figure hunched over in the early dim dawn lighting

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Loona got out of Bed throwing on her night wear attire now rushing out into the living room seeing a huge figure hunched over in the early dim dawn lighting. Loona hesitantly scooched closer not knowing who this dark figure (you) were. 

Loona: W-Who are you fucker?!?

Y/N: (loud hound yelling and snarling)

You now gripped your head raising it towards your ceiling shouting out in pain.

Y/N: (pain bloodcurdling scream) AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[View spirals corkscrewing down into your eyes deep into your subconscious]

???: (Demon snarl)

???: (demonically distorted) LET.....ME....OUT!!!!


Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now