S2 ep. 18 Dad vs Dad!! [The bold Imp that did]

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A/N: Sheesh, looks like some exchange of words might be said or Blitzo may just try to assume his so-called role of being your dad....to your dad, I don't know......dad battle is here!

Blitzo: There's a reason I'm called daddy!

A/N: (flat tone) That is very alarming!

Blitzo: (middle finger up)

To the story!

A few days have passed since your dad in a way disowned himself from his dad, your grandfather. Your Uncle Mike now had a strained brother-relationship with your pops, your mom was stressed out and to make the matters worse, you'd have to one way or another, explain this to Loona and your co-workers in time.

[Scene opens in on you alone at a cafe eating and looking out the window]

Y/N: (sighing)

You leaned back into your booth trying to de-stress yourself. As you continued, your phone vibrated.

[Buzz Buzz]

[Buzz Buzz]

[Buzz Buzz]

You turned your phone off not wanting to answer.

Y/N: Not now!

Y/N: (thinking) Mom is stressing, Mike and pops aren't speaking to one another, and my dad got his dad problems. This shit just getting too heavy! 

As time passed, a group of hounds came into the cafe, two female hounds and two male hounds. You noticed them briefly then went back to looking out the window. 

???: (female voice) Hmm....get a look at that one over there (pointing at you)!

???: (female voice 2) He's cute, hope he likes a hound that can drink her shit and keep it down like me!

???: (female voice) Emma, you say that about every guy you laid eyes on!

Emma: Yeah but don't lie, guys like a girl that can handle her shit (perking up her breast)!

???: Miya, what's Emma doing?

Miya: She's gonna go flirt with that hound over there sitting alone by himself!

???: (feeling passively hurt) Thought we were here as a group, not satisfying lonely losers sitting alone looking out a fucking window!

Miya: (eye roll) Give it rest already Vince, you tried, and Emma wasn't interested....(walking to a different booth)...move on!

???: (snickering)

Vince: (growling at the other hound) Shut the fuck up!

[Footsteps now approaching you]

You turned your ear to see a female hellhound who looked like a partier standing at the end of your table holding a bottle of alcohol in her hand and smiling flirtatiously at you.

???: ~Hey Heyyy~!

Y/N: Umm, hi?

???: Why so down fella?

Y/N: (turning back to the window) *sighing* Family issues!

???: Oh word, I feel that, can't stand my adoptive parents as well. Bunch of butt munchers!


???: My name's Emma and I'm pretty rad and fun to hang with!

???: My name's Emma and I'm pretty rad and fun to hang with!

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Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now