S1 ep. 3 Bit of a Stretch!

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A/N: It is finally me again doing the intro, had to to use the pat and pending idea of a "Horny B gone" bat. It's a damn good invention, graciously loaned....(muttering) without any paperwork by @Ghost_Of_Sparta01...Thanks...

Anyway, to the story down below!

[View opens in on a mini mansion in Pride]

Footsteps are heard walking through the hallway as the figure goes to the living room to sit down with their breakfast

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Footsteps are heard walking through the hallway as the figure goes to the living room to sit down with their breakfast.

Footsteps are heard walking through the hallway as the figure goes to the living room to sit down with their breakfast

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???: Shit's been quiet...too fuckin quiet!

The view turns around to see your uncle 2-Tap Mike sitting down looking puzzled and in a deep mindset of thinking. He hasn't heard much at all from either movement of Yenxyn and the human known as D.V.

2-Tap Mike: (low intrigued growling)

After he finished his breakfast, Mike got up and walked to his in-home gym and started punching out his confusion and frustration hit by hit, blow by blow.

[Blows landing on the punch bag]

2-Tap Mike: (growling increases)

[Time skip 1 hour]

Mike was seen now standing still exhausted, visible steam radiating from his body, his deep green hue slowly fading out and the sound of his heavy heavy tired breathing. 

2-Tap Mike: Hah.....hah.....hah!

He soon fell over onto his back drained of energy on the verge of falling asleep in his sweat puddle. Meanwhile over at you and Loona's place, you were fast asleep enjoying the nice warm feeling of sensational bliss. As you reached over to your left you felt there was no one there.

Y/N: (eyes slowly opening)

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N: BABE??!!!

You yelled out for Loona, but no answer came back. Sending you into an immediate fear, concern and worry. Your royal hound begun to stir in anger causing your hound eyes to take over your human eyes, your red hue flaring out, and your teeth sharpening. You got out of bed in a flash not seeing that Loona left you a note on the dresser. You quickly got dressed and ventured out on a soon to be murderous rampage.

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now