S1 ep. 9 Old....Friend?? [Mike vs Striker]

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A/N: Your Uncle Mike runs into a very familiar somebody, one who was responsible for putting you in the hospital after using an angelic weapon against you. Ooh this is gonna be an interesting fight!! 

To the story!

[View opens to the front of Mike's door, now phasing into his house]

Mike slowly woke up from his bed feeling tired as usual. He sighed rubbing his face still thinking about being a target.

2-Tap Mike: (stressed remembering) It's just like my old door kicking days....till I died in that explosion!

2-Tap Mike: (groaning)

Sit got up from his bed walking out and to the bathroom to handle his routine before eating breakfast.

[Time skip 30 mins]

After he came out, Mike stared at his empty mansion and simply thought this.

2-Tap Mike: It's lonely here....maybe I do need a mate....

2-Tap Mike:....Nah, what the hell am I thinking, don't got time for that!

He shook the thought of finding happiness off his mind as he went to the front door to go take a walk.

[demonic birds chirping]

As Mike was walking, stares started landing on him from demons of all kinds. Seeing this Mike started growling around all lookers and gossipers.

2-Tap Mike: (pissed off) The hell are y'all lookin' at??

The crowd backed up away from him as Mike summoned his deep green hue in an intimidating way followed with demonic growling.

???: Take it easy!!

???: We-We're sorry mister!!

???: Let's get out of here!

The crowd soon ran away from Mike which allowed him to calm down and continue his morning walk. Behind him a figure stood while narrow locked eyes on him.

???: (chuckling)

???: Seems like I found another piece of the part (satisfied demonic hissing)!!

The figure proceeded to follow Mike from a great distance seeing him walking up to a cafe store. 

[gun cocking]

???: (under his breath menacingly) Make this fun and painful!

Mike's Pov:

2-Tap Mike: (thinking) Odd I'm getting a weird feeling in this place...!

Cashier: (pre-teen cracking voice) Siiiiiir......what will it beeeeeee?

2-Tap Mike: (thinking) *scoffing* Not your voice that is!

2-Tap Mike: Just a bold with 2 pumps of extra chocolate and a morning breakfast sandwich!

Cashier: Thaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuu.....Neeeeeeeeexxxxt!

Mike then stepped out the way silently groaning as he waited for his food and drink to be served. Out in the streets the figure was seen smirking villainously now closing in on the coffee shop.

2-Tap Mike: (Checking the time)

Cashier: (from wayyyyy across the room) Siiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrr........Uhhhhhhh......Miiiiiiiiikkkkkeeeee?!?

Cashier: Food's ready!! 

???: (gruff southern drawl tone) I'll get em that!

Mike watched this person bring his food to him with presenting a wicked smile on the side. Mike's senses soon started to kick in as he felt a hint of evil coming from this guy....despite being in hell where everything is evil.

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