S3 ep. 6 Reaper's Shadow! [Rescue Mission]

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A/N: Time to go save your family from danger reader. This time its real personal!

To the mission at hand!

[View cuts in on you at your home sitting on the couch with your head down]

You felt alone and more so broken than repair. Seeing that Yenxyn was behind this, you leaned back and hazed your eyes deep red. Encasing your body now in red you let your royal hound transform you.

-Camera pans right slowly backing up to your red hue flaring and the sounds of demonic snarling coming from your mouth-

While you were seething, behind you, your father and mother popped in for a surprise visit. Apon arrival they both came face to face of your rage as you turned around walking slowly and threateningly.

F/N: Get behind me honey!

Your mom got behind your dad as he took the stand to face you.

F/N: I don't know what this is but you need to settle down.....(demonic tone) NOOOWWW!!!

Y/N: DON'T......YOUUU.....TELL ME.....TO.....CALM DOWNNNN!!!!

Your dad now emitted a purple hue walking up to you. HE stood for a moment while you decided to throw an overhead strike to him. In a time freezing moment, your dad striked you in 3 places on your body. After the time freeze went away you found yourself on your back looking around and sitting up.

Y/N: What the fu-....BRO, what happened??!!

M/N: Sweetie (hugging you)!

M/N: Why in the hell did you attack your father??

Y/N: (shaking your head) I'm sorry....I'm just very angry and scared!

F/N: (kneeling down) Why?

M/N: Yeah honey, why?

Y/N: Yenxyn sent out bounty hunters that took Loona and the rest....

F/N and M/N: (eyes widen)

Y/N: I got to the office and found it a mess, everything was destroyed, and a note was left. It told me I have to give myself up to Yenxyn if it means the safety of Loona and the others!

F/N: (leaning up exhaling out forcefully)

M/N: (noticing your dad) Babe....Babe, I know that look, don't you even-...!!

F/N: You don't get it, Yenxyn just crossed the line-...more than he's ever and that he took our son's work family and our future daughter-in-law...its a personal matter now!!

F/N: I'm coming with you son!!

Y/N: (raising your finger)

F/N: Non-negotiable!

Y/N: No dad, I want to do this on my own!

Your mom then eyed you and grabbed both of your shoulders getting serious.

M/N: Nuh-uh, I already worry enough as a mother, and with Yenxyn currently holding Loona and the gang captive heightens my worries. You are out of your damn mind if you think we're letting you go by yourself to Greed to Yenxyn's!!

Y/N: (quick sigh and eye roll) Fine....call Mike!

F/N: (lightly offended) I'm in the room son....just saying!

Y/N: Yeah I know but Mike has been here longer than you and he knows the rings.....sooo (obvious gesturing)! 

M/N: (chiming in bashfully) Umm....how about we leave Mike out of this one!

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now