S2 ep. 29 Chaotic!! [Royal clash]

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A/N: Don't mind me reader, your father and Yenxyn are about to do something, so I got my popcorn ready!

Onto the potential Insanity!!!

[View fades into your father and Yenxyn facing off ready to go]

F/N: (growling sinister grin)

Yenxyn: (menacingly snarling)

Yenxyn opened both his fists now protruding his claws out. He finally said this to get the blood heated and rolling between the two.

Yenxyn: At first movement,......that's when it beginsss!!

F/N: (leaning close) *fully demonic* Make a move then!

Yenxyn: *half demonic* Ты дерзкая маленькая собачка (translated: You cocky little dog)!!

A few more moments then passed until finally Yenxyn let out a small quick chuckle followed with saying this to start the fight.

Yenxyn: Tis funny, no,....how much of an ass you are and how much of it I'm going to KICK!!!!

⚠18+ Fight Starts⚠

With that being said, Yenxyn turned around then quickly came back with a sucker punch straight to your father's face causing his head to slightly whiplash back before slowing leaning it forward with a smile catching Yenxyn off guard and lightly stunned.

Yenxyn: Figured that have no effect on you, but allow me to put effort into this next one!

Yenxyn then drew up a fast powerful upper cut to your father's chin making him step back. Using that small window, Yenxyn delivered a powerful kick to your father's chest.

F/N: (light groan)

Seeing Yenxyn now jump up in the air to strike, your father then opened his right hand and smacked Yenxyn midair up into one of his support beams cracking it and falling to the floor.

[loud thud and coughing from Yenxyn]

Yenxyn: (rolling on the floor in light pain)

F/N: I'll admit....despite not having the same royal hound strength as me, Mike and my son have, you've gotten stronger from our last encounter....but in this fight, that DON'T. MEAN. SHIT!!

Yenxyn: (through his teeth) *half demonic* SHUT. YOUR. FUCKING. MOUTH!!!!

Yenxyn grabbed up a chair and cracked it on your father making him sidestep from the impact. Getting up now, Yenxyn climbed up on his bar using his left hand to support his full body, he low spun nailing your dad in the neck. As he then hopped off the bar, he dropped kicked your dad through the window.

[Window glass breaking]

Yenxyn: (spitting out blood developing a grin) Time to put 20 years of pure-blooded rage and training to use!!

Yenxyn then ripped off his coat, tie, and white shirt. He cracked his neck and knuckles before hopping out and onto the grass seeing your father stand up rubbing his neck. Your father started to laugh at Yenxyn saying this.

F/N: (amused laughter) Nice to see your finally taking something serious, guess I should too.....this has been a nice warmup!

Your dad then ripped his shirt off now pulsating his symbolics and finally had his back take on and glow a hellhound on it. His hue then contoured to his whole body causing it to glow red and finally his eyes seeped blood red and glowed.

F/N: Now that we're both warmed up, let's really settle this!

Your father soon sprinted faster than Yenxyn could see now standing in front him.

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now