S2 ep. 14 Evil on the rise! [Yenxyn]

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A/N: Yenxyn (pronounced: Yin Sin) has made his return....secretly though. He has plans to rebuild his forces and maybe meet with the human as well. As for knowing, NO ONE knows he's back, not even Mike! 

Let's see what happens!

[View opens in on a heavily guarded mansion]

Coming up from behind a big chair, a hellhound hand was grabbing a glass cup filled with liquor.

[Slow sipping]

???: (exhaling out) HAAAAAH!

???: (Russian) So dad has returned huh....hmph, makes all the while now that his time to transfer his power amongst his sons is in effect!

???: Daman, Mike, and the exiled forgotten son....

???: (deep tone) Me....the great Yenxyn Mikorov *growling smile*!

[Thunder clapping]

Yenxyn sat back in his chair taking the opportunity to reflect on his knowledge being the forgotten son of the Royal Hound family. He stood up and took off his coat and unbuttoned his shirt now showing he had the same symbolic markings your father had, Mike, and you. 

Yenxyn: If only I could summon same power, I could make all pay for wrongdoing of my injustice!

Yenxyn: Stripped of my royal powers and blood by VecNr....OUR father, didn't see me as fit to walk his footsteps, let alone, inherit royal hound blood....foolish old fleabag!

Yenxyn: (grip increasing on glass cup) So....I have built my own strength to match that of the royals....(voice deepening)...That....I....Hate!!

[door knocking]

Yenxyn: DA!!

Guard: Sir, Crimson is here!

Yenxyn: (low growling)

Yenxyn: Have him wait in meeting room!

Guard: Yes Sir!

The guard soon closed the door leaving Yenxyn alone again. He raised the cup up looking at his reflection seeing the fate he could've had with the royal powers.

[snarling and glass cracking]


[Violent thunder clapping]

Time skip to the meeting room 10 minutes later

Crimson and his Mafia crew were gathered at the table awaiting Yenxyn to join.

Crimson: So where's this big shot huh, my time is of money and (rubbing his fingers together) I hate having it wasted!

Crimson: So where's this big shot huh, my time is of money and (rubbing his fingers together) I hate having it wasted!

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???: (Russian) Then you and I are just alike!

All eyes in the room turned to Yenxyn standing in the doorway with his arms behind his back.

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now