S2 ep. 28 Brothers of Opposites! [Daman and Yenxyn]

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A/N: Your father decides to take a personal visit to Yenxyn to have a quote on quote "Talk". Oh boy, I'm hoping these two fight. We've seen enough talks back and forth regardless of the shit you somehow find yourself in Reader.......(under voice) through no fault of my own.

Let's get it on here!

[View opens in on your father in the backyard of his mansion doing pull ups]

F/N: (grunting)

Pull after pull, push by push, your father had one goal in mind for the day and that was to face Yenxyn to push him to the brink of fighting after his recent actions and the trouble its caused you.

F/N: (panting hard)

M/N: (walking out) Babe, you been doing pullups for the last 4 hours.......~mmm, come to bed with me~!

F/N: I can't (hah).....seeing Yenxyn today!

M/N: Well screw your brother Hon, he's a miserable jerk just trying to get a rise out of you!

F/N: That is true and also true, but he'll know fury when it's in his face!

M/N: (shaking her head) *dejected tone* Can't say I didn't try!

Your mom then walked back inside the house with her head hung low disappearing around the corner while your dad just hung on the bar sighing a small bit.

F/N: She's right....4 hours is enough!

He then let go and went inside to go take a shower, so he was fresh.

[Time skip 40 minutes]

Your father then came into the bedroom to see your mom laying on her left side facing away from him. He walked over and spooned your mom gently waking her up to his touch. She then gasped softly now bringing her hand to your father's hand as she got comfortable in him

M/N: (soft smile and blush) What changed your mind my strong man?

F/N: (light smile) Just giving you what you wanted my queen!

M/N: (Snuggling in deeper) *moaning* I love you honey!

F/N: I love you to!

[Time skip over to Yenxyn's Mansion]


Yenxyn was seen walking down his long hallway with the lighting outside lighting up his hallway. He started to have a small conversation with himself reflecting on somethings.

Yenxyn: (reflecting) *teen Yenxyn* You never understood me......Da, tis power that make you feared hound that you are!

Yenxyn: (growling)

Yenxyn: Tis family is not fit to have such (clutching his fist) POOOOOWERRR, especially you father!

-Violent thunderclap-

Yenxyn walked into a room filled with few other hellhounds. As he walked up to the bar, Riylah filled up his shot glass with aged fine bourbon.

Yenxyn: (taking the glass) Da, thank you Riylah!

Riylah: Your welcome Yenxyn!

???: Hey Yenxyn, since your a bit washed up and not exactly per say a royal hound of blood but by genes.....how are you gonna fight your brothers Daman and Mike?? They surpass you greatly!

Yenxyn walked over to this hound in the back who started to cower a bit in his chair looking up at a very pissed Yenxyn.

Yenxyn: (voice deepening greatly) What did that CUNT mouth of yours sayyy???!!

Blood Runs Thicker [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male Hellhound reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now