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25th December 2024

"No you don't get it" Kira whined with a small pout as Haerin sat on the bed beside Eunhye. Jaehyun and Kira decided to host a small Christmas party at their place, giving everyone a chance to see them before they got tied down with the last few months of pregnancy.

"Jaehyun is like the best gift giver, don't you remember the million reasons thing—"

"Okay well maybe he still hasn't given it to you or something" she reasoned

"Or he's saving up money for the baby, you know" Eunhye said and Kira sighed

"Aww...sad your hubby didn't get you a present this year?" Haerin playfully cooed and she rolled her eyes

"Like for my birthday he got me those roses, on Valentine's day he asked me to marry him, last Christmas we practically moved in together, and this year..." she trailed off, crossing her arms over her chest

"This year...?" A deep voice asked from behind the girls as Jaehyun leaned against their bedroom doorframe.

"Uh oh"


The two girls quickly slid out of the room past him to join the others in the party, not wanting to witness what possibly could be an ugly fight.

"Jaehyun" She said, and he smiled, regardless of the fact that she had accused him of not getting her anything this Christmas

"I didn't think you'd be so impatient" he said extending his hand out for her and she pouted

"I didn't mean to like...I'm sorry" she said, feeling her hormones shift as she got more emotional with a guilty feeling in her chest

"It's okay baby, just want to show you something" he smiled, leading her out of their bedroom with his hands over her eyes, watching out to make sure she didn't hit her bump on anything.

"Keep your eyes closed okay?" He asked and she nodded, feeling his hands loosen off her face. He unlocked the door to the spare room that had originally been made a space for Kira to paint in her free time.

"I didn't want you in here because the paint fumes would be bad for the baby but I've aired most of it out" he said taking her hand again and leading her inside.

"Jaehyun I'm being so serious when I say this, if it has anything to do with clowns, I will consider divorce" She said and he rolled his eyes

"Open your eyes princess" he smiled sheepishly as she opened her eyes to look at the nursery Jaehyun had been working on for the last few months whenever he wasn't busy being her servant or an idol

"Oh my god" she breathed out and he smiled

"You like it?" He asked, and she nodded, still in awe

"Now for this part, I'm not an artist like you so I hope this is enough" he said, bringing her to the wall where a blank canvas hung beside the painting Kira had done for him and Jihye last Christmas

She gasped and covered her mouth as wide smile took over her face when she saw one of her old baby photos beside Jinhyung's ultrasound photo. Her eyes immediately followed the scribble on the corner of the canvas from Jihye, tearing up as she read the words.

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By Jaehyun and Jihye


kiirali00's story

kiirali00's story

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