Part 8: Breakthrough

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I was currently stood with my hands on my knees huffing after soccer practice. This last week had been pretty hectic and I was absolutely drained. I was wearing a rather long jacket that hugged my neck. For very good reasons mind you. I was still boiling. Ben and the others had been investigating some issues regarding Plumber business while I was figuring out how to track down Charmcaster. The badge Max gave me has a compendium of information on it but getting past the encryption...

"Access Denied."

It's been slow to say the least. Luckily though there was one silver lining.

"So what's your plan for the weekend?" Ben asks siding next to me as he jogged in place. I straighten myself as I stretch.

"Azmuth wants me to head to Galvan Prime with him. Says he may have found a way to scan the Chaque's wavelength. Here's hoping because I'm so tired of passing out during adventures."

Ben nods as he slings his arm around my neck. "I'm sure this will work out. And if it doesn't then hey, think of it as training for when it does work." I just roll my eyes. Always the optimist.

"What the hell are you two dorks talking about?" I sigh hearing that annoying voice. That was Hector. Ben had his bully, and I had mine. This douche was him.

"Could you be anymore original? Dork? Really? What are you five?" I ask as I look at him with a tired side glance. Ben looked at me with a bit of a smirk. The others around us also looked on. Granted I would usually leave them alone and just ignore them but their persistence lately has me feeling feisty. Not to mention I'm pent up.

"Oh you got some balls on you don't ya? What Gwen dumping your ass finally make you a man?" Seriously its like he's reading from a playbook at this point.

"Seriously? Motherfucker you sound like a Disney high school drama bully from the early 2000s. Your material is cheap my guy." I head a few people hissing and hollering at what I said. Wasn't anything impressive it was the truth. 

"Awww you still watch Disney Dramas?" He teased with a smirk thinking he got me. I swear the jokes write themselves at this point.

"Nope not at all, your mother on the other hand does. Usually while she gives me head."

Those who had gathered lost their minds hearing this as I sigh and slick my hair back. My tired eyes stare at him. "You're washed up trash Hector. Do us all a favour and fuck off to whatever mental ward you snuck out from." I turn my back to walk away. I don't do fist fights. I don't have the muscle for it. 

He couldn't get a word in as I was gone. From his face however he looked fuming. I could give a shit. Ben sided next to me snickering. "Sure as hell showed him."

"I was just so tired of his shit." I state as I take out a cigarette from my pack lighting it up. I take a pull letting it fill my lungs as I gaze into the air.

"We're not done L/N!" I notice Hector walking back pissed as Ben moved in the way. "Leave it Hector. He owned your ass." Hector shoved Ben aside as I swiftly move and slam my shoulder to Hector's chest. He growled and took a swing at me catching my jacket as he ripped it off of me. He smirked which quickly faded as everyone now watched on gasping seeing the state of my neck. It also showed a bit more of my growing muscle mass. Training with Tatiana is brutal...

"Ah fuck you asshole."


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