Part 11: Ties

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I find myself driving to Ben's place. After that shiner he got on his eye decided it would be best if I helped him lie his way out of the situation. I know his parents believe him but if I'm there then there's no way they would have any reason to suspect something is up.

I wonder what it would be like if I still had my parents. Would I have to lie about the Chaquetrix? I figure they may be worried but I don't think they'd ever stop me. They were Plumbers so would they support me. 

I'm getting hung up over 'what ifs' when there's no point in wasting my time with that. I pull into the drive way as I hop out having my earphones in. Found myself wearing them a lot more lately, helps me think. And believe me I've had a lot to think about. I can't shake that dream I had. Was that an alien? Or a demon? Just thinking about it sends a shiver down my spine.

I bite the inside of my cheek at the though that it may not be alone. Now my next question is why. Why did I see that? I need to try and either go back or find a way to know more.

I open the door to see Ben sitting on the couch with Sandra and Carl looking at him absolutely pissed off. Oh shit. Did they find out?

"Ah there you are Y/N. Want to explain why you and Ben are out on the streets fighting monsters?" Sandra asks me as I feel my eye twitch. Am I in trouble? I slowly turn to leave opening the door but Carl, surprisingly moved to the door closing it .

"Oh no you're not running from this. We are having this discussion." He said as I gaze at him for a second.

Why is my blood boiling?

I was sat down next to Ben as I kick my legs up resting back with a sigh. This was really happening? After what we face practically daily it feels almost trivial.

"Are you two being forced to do this? Are you running with a bad crowd?" Sandra asks as I have to stifle a laugh. If anything we are the bad crowd.

"No Mrs. T, we-" I was about to explain when I was interrupted.

"You two have been running around transforming into God knows what and fighting Aliens? Do you know how irresponsible that is!?" Carl spoke as Ben wanted to speak. He managed to get a few words out and explain how our watches work. Car proceeded to take us to the workshop to remove them but nothing was working. Go figure a powerful device like this doesn't exactly have a clip to remove it.

I watch as he tries to remove my watch. I can still feel the heat in my body. Why am I getting angry?

We were then moved back to the couch for more scolding. I now sat leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. My foot taps as they go off at us.

"What you're doing is dangerous!"

"You both could have gotten severely hurt, if not worse!"

You don't understand...

"What would have happened if you died? Did you think about us? How we would feel losing you two?"

"We worry about you kids, you're good kids really. But lying and hiding things? This is not how we raised you."

Shut up...

"I hate how you two have betrayed our trust."

"What would your parents think if they saw you like this Y/N?"




I snapped.

"I DON'T KNOW SANDRA HOW ABOUT YOU FUCKING TELL ME! BECAUSE EVERYONE HERE SEEMS TO KNOW JUST WHAT MY PARENTS WOULD DO! GO ON TELL ME WHAT THEY'D THINK! BECAUSE I SURE AS FUCK DON'T KNOW!" I had risen to my feet as my voice filled the room anger and hate dripping from my lips. They had no right. No right to bring up my parents. No right in the whole universe. 

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