Part 21.1: Now You See Me

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The two clones watched as Y/N Prime made his way to the shuttles to be taken back to earth to find Albeda. The second clone was escorted to Bayonetta's private ship where he would be taken to her home world. The male saluted to his clone counterpart as they left leaving only one Y/N left on the entire dreadnaught.

"This just started to feel infinitely more lonely..." Y/N said as Ben sided next to him nodding. "Yeah no kidding, I get it's just an afterparty of sorts but it feels kinda stiff." Bens words made the male stifle a laugh.


"Hehehe stiff! Heeheheheheh."

Ben could only sigh and shake his head as he wrapped his arm around his friends shoulder. "At least you act the same. We should probably introduce ourselves to the Red Winds."

"Good Idea. I practically had that Looma chick tearing my arm off." Y/N said to turn before he found his head between two large, and red, breasts. His hands moved up to grip and push before they went limp. "I seriously need to watch my words..."

"Greetings young humans~ Having fun are we?"

Y/N managed to pry his face from her breasts gasping for air

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Y/N managed to pry his face from her breasts gasping for air. Next to Looma was her father who glared down at the two boys crossing two of his arms. "SWEET SWEET AIR!" Y/N gasped out as he looked to Looma his hands still gripping her breasts.

"You know these are surprisingly toned..." He said before Ben pulled him off of Looma and bent him down whispering. "DUDE! YOU ARE GOING TO GET US KILLED!"

Y/N looked over his shoulder to see Gar giving him a rather intense glare. His head would slowly turn back to Ben. "Worth..."


"Fine I'll behave. Long as they don't throw any curve balls we should be good."

The two stand up as Looma smirks looking to her father. "Father, these are the two boys I spoke to you about. Ben Tennyson and Y/N L/N. I would like your blessing to fight them to determine who will be my husband."






"So you wish to wed one of these two males? And humans no less. Why this species specifically? I see nothing remarkable about them..." Gar said as Y/N looked down at himself as he shook his head a bit.

"C'mon man I'm not that bad..."

"It is more about who they are father. I have heard the tales of the great Ben Tennyson for years now. I wish to make the universes saviour my husband. And if he proves to be unfitting then his friend, the wielder of the mysterious Chaquetrix will become my husband."

"While I understand Ben Tennyson, why the other boy. His watch wasn't made for combat. It's a breeding tool." Gar said looking at Y/N with scrutiny. Y/N would only look back at him with an equally intense glare.

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