Part 2: The Summoner

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I gaze up seeing the creature before me as I was stunned. This day had been full of surprises and I was drained. If I didn't know better I would have thought what I was seeing was in delirium. A molten lava and rock creature stood right before me gazing down at me. What do I say? What do I do? Why is my body so hot!? The woman walked up to me as I slowly backed up. Her walk was almost sultry and flirtatious. She then suddenly stopped inspecting me. I felt rather strange having this alien looking at me like this as the rock shifted with the magma on her face as she looked almost concerned.

 I felt rather strange having this alien looking at me like this as the rock shifted with the magma on her face as she looked almost concerned

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"Oh no... You're hurt!" She said as she knelt down and moved close to me. Her hand reached out as I tried to avoid it.

"W-wait! Don't touch me!" I said as she hesitated for a second and looked at her hand before a soft giggle left her... Lips? This is already confusing. "Hush handsome. It won't burn I promise." She said as her hand moved to my dislocated arm. I braced to feel the sting of searing flesh but instead I felt a soft warmth. I opened my eyes to see she was slowly moving my arm around. That part hurt but I wasn't being burnt.

"This is so-" I couldn't finish my sentence as she popped my arm back into place as I yell out groaning in pain. I have to admit she did a good job but she could have warned me. I grip my shoulder panting a bit as her hand gently traced up my arm. The warmth filled my sore shoulder seemingly numbing the pain.

"I can't do much about the cuts and bruises. But I can do this much." She said as she moved and sat in my lap. She was a fair bit taller than me. Anywhere upwards of 7 foot easily. And she was sitting my lap.

"H-How am I not burning up?" I ask as her large hand cradle my head as she gazes at me. Is she studying me? Or is it something else? I can't tell but her head tilts a bit. "You don't know?" She asked. Her voice was odd to me gravelly but it still had that feminine tone.

"Know what? I just stumbled into that woman after she tried to copy Ben's watch and now I have this thing on my wrist." I said as she looked quizzically at me. 

"You... should have been briefed... I don't know how to help with that. I barely know anything since this is my first time being summoned." She stated before she thought for a bit before she moved closer. "I do however know my purpose~" She whispered in a sultry tone as I was confused and vastly concerned.

"A-And that purpose is?"

"To be your mating partner~"



"Ok so, I'm in a fever dream and I'm going to wake up any second now because this is super fucking weird." I said as I close my eyes and open them again seeing her looking at me with a coy smile. 

"You're entertaining darling~ If you don't believe me then let me show you just how compatible we are~" I was about to protest as this sounds like a horrible idea before I found her lips pressing against mine. It was... strange. More because I didn't dislike it. Her molten lava formed lips pressing against mine as I couldn't help but melt, pun wholly intended, into it as our lips clashed. She pulled away as I was in a daze. It was so strange almost like my head became extremely fuzzy in that moment.

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