Part 12: Valentine

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The last few days have been rather hectic, been trying to track down some DNAliens. Ben, Gwen and Kevin are on their own chasing a lead down while I am recovering from a particularly nasty battle. Those High Breed are strong. It seems some group training may be in order. Though for today was my school formal, and I hadn't gotten myself a date yet. Though that would soon change as I was about to find out.

I walk downstairs finding Claire, Ember, Tatiana and Crash currently playing rock paper scissors. I may have told them it was my planets way of handling disputes quickly. If only it were so. I can see this getting me in trouble.

"What am I looking at right now?" I ask as they look at me as I'm currently wearing some dress pants with a white button up shirt. I was busy rolling the sleeves while a unmade tie hung around my neck. I noticed a couple lip biting but I ignored it for now.

"Figuring which one of us will be joining you tonight." Claire said as she watched intently at their hands as the girls nodded getting serious. Their hands moved as I watched for a moment. They all stopped as Crash laid back and sighed.

"Dammit dude, I really wanted to get out for tonight." She said as she puffed her cheeks. it was a rather cute display. Ember grumbled a bit before composing herself. "I guess it wasn't meant to be. This time at least."

Clair huffed and tapped her foot turning her head as she held a cute defeated face. "Should have cheated..."

Meanwhile Tatiana looked on triumphantly as she smirked. "It only makes sense I would win~ Husband~ We should find me a dress should we not~?"

I hear the sultry tone in her voice as I chuckle. "Well we should leave now then. We have basically 3 hours to spare so let's get going." I said kissing the cheeks of my girls seeing their faces brighten a bit before they shift back into the watch. Tatiana smiled and stood kissing my cheek as she left out the door for the car. 

I grab my keys as suddenly I feel lightheaded. My ears begin to ring as a light fills my eyes.

I find myself floating in space. Well more like standing on nothing. I'm in front of a star. A massive one at that. But I see a figure just a ways in front of me. I

t's tail reaches out and glows a blue flame

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t's tail reaches out and glows a blue flame. The star in front of us starts to collapse in on itself as the rays grow dimmer and the heat I can feel starts to vanish. And very soon the star becomes nothing but a shell of cooled magma. I was stunned before the creature was right in front of me.

"Let me drain your heat..."

I cry out as it grips my head and I cal feel all warmth in my body tear away in a matter of seconds. I then find myself back in my house. I breathe heavily as I look around. I notice the tip of a tail vanish out my window. I feel my hand shaking as I gaze at the window terrified.

What was that? And how much trouble have I gotten myself into...

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