Part 16: First Gear, Ignition

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The group stood staring at the woman claiming to be Albeda the Galvan woman that now held the incomplete power of the Chaquetrix. Y/N looked at her confused for a second as he tilted his head.

"So Albedo looks identical to Ben. So why do we look nothing alike?" Y/N asked as Albeda could only giggle hopping on top of some rubble taking a seat crossing her legs.

"Our watches are linked, through space and time the watch recognises your DNA as the default. So when I made my version it linked and gave me your DNA. This is what you would look like if you existed in my Universe." She explained as Y/N shook his head interjecting.

"Hold up. IF I existed?" 

"Indeed, upon you receiving the watch we couldn't find your DNA signature anywhere in our universe. Past or present. Azmuth chalks it up to you never being born. He knows more than he's letting on that old coot." She spoke as she folded her arms perking her breasts up. Y/N looked at Ben seeing him gazing in a very odd manner to the woman.

"Dude! My eyes are up here." Y/N reprimanded him as Ben snapped out of his stupor. "I can't help it you're hot!"

"Aww thanks man."

"No problem bro... Hey wait a minute!"

"Anyways I don't exist in your universe so now you're here. What do you want?" Y/N pressed for more information as Albeda could only smirk and pointed her finger to Y/N a devilish smirk on her face.

"I want you of course~ More importantly your body and the device attached to it. I can tweak with the bugs in my device and revert back to my original form. Then I will take the watch back to my universe where it belongs. A human should not have such power at their finger tips. But ask nicely and I may just take you back with me~ As a pet~" She spoke her eyes practically crazed showing there were a few screws loose. Y/N could only grimace.

"Sorry hot stuff I'm nobodies pet. But if you're really insistin' on a fistin' then I can gladly oblige. Who knows you may like it~" He said as the dial on his wrist spun before he locked onto Ember. Albeda could only giggle a bit.

"Cute~ I decided to make some tweaks to my device since I knew you wouldn't come willingly~"

"Albeda, this wasn't part of the plan." Albedo spoke as the woman turned to the imposter Ben and scowled at him.

"I promised you Ben Tennyson. Here he is. My part is done. Make yourself scarce my lesser self." She spoke hopping off the rubble before landing as the dial on her watch spun to the same silhouette.

Y/N looked to Ben.

"You cool to deal with Freaky Friday?" 

"You bet I am." The brown haired boy spoke as he ran to Albedo changing into Humungousaur. Y/N slammed his hand on the plate causing it to bring forth Ember. She looked in front of her to see the woman as a scowl covered her face.

"Who's the hussy?" She asked as he sided next to her his hands rubbing together. He noticed she felt hotter than usual. And yet near her fingers and feet her molten looked reduced, almost cooler.

"Someone from another universe parading my DNA around. Wanna help me put her in the forever box?"

"Gladly." Ember spoke her fist slamming into her air as embers filled the air. Albeda gazed at the Pyronite with a small smirk. "How adorable. My turn~" She slammed the plate down as a slightly darker pink flash filled the air showing a Pyronite however slightly different to Ember.

"What the fuck is that...?"


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