Part 26: Turning Point (Harem List)

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The group stood outside the Mr. Smoothie with Azmuth and Professor Paradox. They had been laying it on thick to the group so far letting. them understand the stakes. Y/N stood in the middle of his group of close friends as they too joined in discussions. It was very clear the fate of the planet and the universe as a whole was at hand. He gazed at Azmuth as he spoke.

"And that's about the gist of it." He said as he looked down and sighed. "Their numbers are far greater than we could have ever thought. And it seems they keep growing by the hour. I need you to realise the stakes here children. There is a high probability you will lose earth." Paradox said as Y/N looked down a bit as he had Kiki next to him. He had already split himself into three in order to prepare both his house and the hideout in case of an attack. Kiki sat next to him swinging her legs as he sat on the head tapping his foot.

"So we're fucked?" Ben asked as he bit his cheek a bit while Gwen shook her head. "Not yet, we still have some Plumbers kids we can rely on. We need to get as much help as possible." She said as Max perked up at those words.

"If it's help we need I got a couple friends who would be dying to kick some ass." He said stepping off to the side and made a call. While this was happening Azmuth took Ben aside. Before Y/N could do anything else a small portal opened next to him as Pimpmuth stood next to him.

"We need to talk boy." He said as the group looked on confused. The boy still tapped his foot. "Well lets talk." He said as the frog man looked at the group. "Alone boy." Y/N's eyes glared at him.

"What you have to say can be said here. They deserve to hear as much as possible." He said as Azmuth looked at them and sighed. 

"Alright, here it is. I don't want you fighting this war."


"You heard me, that level 20 technology is the key to reviving the numbers necessary to repopulate my multiverse. I cannot allow you to die and let that device either break, or fall into the wrong hands. That is why I want you to come to my universe where you will be safe." He said as the male stood and looked at him.

"Azmuth... No." The frog looked up at him as he sighed. "I understand you want to help but-"

"No you don't! You have no idea what it means to fight! To put your life on the line for others! For fucks sake Azmuth this is my home! And you want me to abandon it? Abandon my friends and family and become some breeding tool for you?" Azmuth looked up at him as his hardened gaze softened a bit scratching the back of his head.

"I made a promise to myself when I realised what this thing was meant to. I'd continue to live my life and take this at my own pace. Not become some lab rat that just breeds all day. As fun as that sounds, and believe me the thought has crossed my mind, that shit isn't living."

"..." The group watched stunned seeing their friend saying such words. The male extended his arm out towards the space frog as he glared at him.

"If you want to take the watch and fuck off back to your safe universe then do so. But I'm going to fight. And I will do so with or without your help." He said as they all looked stunned. Kiki gazed at him biting her lip a purr leaving her lips.

Azmuth looked at his wrist and gripped the cylinder and twisted it and popped it off. he sat down and spun it around opening up it's internal components as he pulled out a purple crystal. It had a soft glow to it but was rather small for the large chamber it was inserted in.

"Good, I'm glad you got some brains in that monkey skull of yours. If you turned tail and ran I would have ripped the watch from your wrist." He pulled out a larger crystal that seemingly fit perfectly in the chamber. It glowed brightly before he slammed it back into its chamber as the watch shone with a bright pink light as its form became slimmer and locked around his wrist tighter.

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