Part 6: What's In It For Me?

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"What on earth happened to you?" Gwen asks as I stand in the doorway shirtless with a tired look on my face. The last two days have been rough, yesterday surprisingly worse than the first. I sigh out and open the door wider letting them in. "Come on in I'll explain." I said as they followed swiftly inside. And inside was Ember currently in the open kitchen using her flames to make dinner. I was very surprised when the girls explained they could cook. Hey I wasn't saying no.

Ember looked back in her human form and gazed at them. "Good evening you three, care for some dinner?" She asked as they gazed at her stunned. I simply walked up beside her my hand on her lower back as she formed a sweet smile and pushed into me. "Guess our little dinner plans have changed." She whispers as I nod with a smile and wrap my arms around her placing gentle kisses on her neck.

"Another time then, Claire hasn't returned yet has she?" I ask as she shakes her head. "She said after shopping she wanted to explore, but I have no clue where she could-" Before Ember could finish a gust of wind slammed through the house. "-be..."

"I'm home!" Claire rounds the corner as she looked at everyone in the kitchen. "Oh we have guests, wait a minute you three were the ones that fought those knights and the dragon! Awesome work again guys."

"Wait, these two are the Pyronite and the Kineceleran from your watch? They look so-" Gwen couldn't continue as Claire jumped into my arms and smothers my face in kisses. I can only chuckle holding her up as I groan a bit. "They have names, and yes I'll explain that now. Claire, beautiful I'm still sore." I say as my body was definitely in pain as she quickly hopped off.

"Oh I'm sorry! Umm lie down on the couch, and talk I guess I'll be back." She said zooming up stairs as Ember only giggled. "Go lie down handsome. You need to rest." I just nod gesturing for the three stooges to sit on the couch. They move and sit next to each other with Gwen in the middle of the two boys. I noticed how Gwen sat close to Kevin. I wonder what they've gotten up to yet. I simply sigh and lay on my chest.

"Go on ask your questions..." I said as I stretch out on the couch yawning.

"So like are you ok dude?" Kevin asked me that question, I open my on eye to look at him before shutting it as I nod. "I'm tired but that's neither here nor there. And before you ask why." I lift my arm and point at Ember who gives a teasing kiss to her hand blowing it my way. I roll my eyes but give her a wink which makes her giggle.

I look back at the others who look at each other with confused and concerned looks. I hear Claire trot down the stairs, from the sound of it she's in her pure form as I feel her slowly mount my back as her clawed hands begin to rub oils into my skin. I sigh out and relax as her hands vibrate. This massage feels good.

"Alright the more obvious question, their more human forms, whats that about?" Gwen asks as I sigh out. "Yeah still trying to figure that out." I nod at Claire who presses deeper into my back with more firm presses. "My best guess is after I mated with these wonderful ladies the watch formed a Bond. At least that's what it said. It used my... DNA to develop a secondary form for the girls. More human. I found it strange but it makes walking around with them easier. Though some more than others." Ember walked out the kitchen with plates of food setting them on the table by the couches. I watch her beautiful flame hair waving above her as I smile and pull her hand down kissing her cheek earning another giggle.

"Perhaps Azmuth may have some answers but for now I think it might be an integration process. Integrating into society and such. Just a theory... a game theory..." I whisper that last part as I sit up groaning, my muscles feel less sore and I was more awake. I stretch a bit as Ember plants herself next to me and rests her head on my shoulder. Claire lays in my lap and sprawls out on the couch.

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