Part 23: Winnower

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Y/N would wake up after a while feeling the presence of both Gwen and Bayonetta in his bed. The former slept silently while the latter sat up in the bed seemingly conversing silently with someone. Y/N would sit up as this grabbed her attention. Her eyes would become lidded as she moved to lay down in his lap as she continued her conversation. He groggily tried to wake himself however it was proving quite difficult.

Bayonetta would soon conclude her call before looking up at the male. "You slept quite long darling~ How are you feeling?" She asked as she cupped his cheeks gazing at him as he looked down at her.

"Hmmm... Tired..." He said in a sleepy voice as his eyes closed for a second before fluttering open again. The tall woman couldn't help but giggle at his words as she caressed his cheek to which he pressed into her hands.

"You poor thing, these last few days have been hell on your fragile human mental state. It's not easy being such a young species." She said as the male had seemingly fell asleep in her hands as she slowly released until he woke up again and started stretching.

"Food... That sounds nice..."He said as he would slowly stand to his feet almost falling over as Bayonetta giggled watching this take place. Before he could get to the door it opened to reveal Hope who gave him a small and sad smile. 

"Hey lover, you doing ok?" She asked as Y/N gently nodded and pressed against her resting on her as he hugged her. "I'm sorry..." He said in his sleepy voice as the magic user could only giggle and hug him tight. "You're alright hun, come you must be starving."

"Fooooooooood.... Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy.." The words drag out of his mouth as he seemed to put on a smile, the two girls could only giggle as they helped him to the kitchen preparing him something to eat for breakfast. 

"Holy shit you are alive. Fuuuck now I owe Max a fifty..." A voice spoke as Y/N entered his classroom. He had been so busy lately with all the alien shit over break that it had flown by. Now he was back at school for his final semester before he could leave forever. His friend and close classmate Danny sat in his chair watching his friend walk into the class.

"You're the one who usually sucks dick so shouldn't he owe you a fifty?" Y/N asked as Danny stuck his tongue out at him to which the male just slapped him in the back of the head. Ryuko another close friend in the group moved her chair around and faced the still rather tired male. 

"Heya handsome, you look fucking exhausted. Long night?" He gave her a look and then a smirk. "Guess you can say that, classroom has gotten a fair bit noisier lately." He said as Max walked in just in time before the bell rang.

"Yoooo, Danny where's my fifty?" He asked as Danny sighed out pulling his wallet out before Max grabbed it and started ruffling through the folds. "You still got that family picture in here? Your older sister is hella hot bro." Danny jumped up trying to grab his wallet back before Y/N got the photo out and whistled. "Damn she is such a bad bitch though~"

"Fuck off L/N!" He was able to grab the photo before Gwen made her way into class. The group was confused before they noticed a small limp. Their heads slowly turn around to look at Y/N who could only smirk.

"No way..."

"Yes way~"

Before the group could swarm him and start antagonising him for questions, a voice spoke out at the front of the class. "Settle down kids, class is starting. As you know your homeroom teacher has taken an extended leave. I will be filling in for the rest of your semester. My name is Miss Cereza Odinson. You will call me Ms. Odinson." The voice spoke as Y/N almost fell out of his chair seeing who was in front of him.

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