Part 22: Accountability (+18)

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Gwen, Ben and Kevin found themselves driving to the Hideout per the request from Dante and Neena. They tried to pry as to the reason for the sudden visit with one word letting them know it was serious. Y/N. Gwen gazes out the window as Kevin drives. Ben sits in the back with Julie who scratches the back of his head. It was clear the usual trio were not themselves after recent events.

"So, alcoholism?" Kevin asked as Gwen snapped her head to glare at him with a rather harsh look. "Not funny Levin."

"What? I'm just hedging bets as to what the issue is. The atmosphere is already shitty." He said as Ben shook his head. "Kevin, you really need to shut up for just this one day, ok? Look at it this way, none of us have killed. We have NO idea what he is going through. This is serious." Ben snapped at him as Julie gently took his hand helping to calm him down. The young teen simply huffed and gazed out the window again.

"Right, got it..." Kevin finished as he just focused on driving.

The group would soon arrive and park the car outside taking the side entrance once again. Entering in they would find the projections of Dante and Neena standing on either side of the male in question as he washed his hands in the sink. Dante looked over and gestured for them to walk over. Neena was trying to talk to him but he was ignoring her.

Upon inspection they realised something rather horrifying.

Gwen moved forward seeing him trying to scrub his bleeding hands

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Gwen moved forward seeing him trying to scrub his bleeding hands. Sores and open wounds were seen expanding with each scrub as Neena turned to look at her. "He's been like this for hours. Washing his hands without stopping..." 

The group looked on with worry before Kevin noticed that the watch on his wrist was spinning and crackling with a couple sparks. "What's with the glitchy watch?"

"He got back last night and put it into some kind of lockdown mode. I can assume the creatures inside are doing their best to come out and assist him. But he hasn't said a word since he got here." Dante said as Y/N just kept scrubbing seemingly in his own world.

"Y/N..." Gwen said as she gently placed her hand on his shoulder. He kept scrubbing. She looked to the group with worried eyes. "Come on Y/N talk to us. You can't shut us out. We won't let you." She spoke. Ben moved to his side.

"I know you're dealing with a lot. Hurting yourself? It's not going to help." He said as the male just kept scrubbing.   They tried for a bit more with no avail. 

"Simply shaking the boy and telling him what he needs to do isn't going to help the situation children." A voice spoke behind them. The group would turn to see Bayonetta standing behind them with the final clone of Y/N dressed in a rather interesting outfit.

 The group would turn to see Bayonetta standing behind them with the final clone of Y/N dressed in a rather interesting outfit

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