Part 4: Happy Feet

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I gaze up at the tall blue, black and white alien before me. My eye wander over her form. I'm stunned at how slender she was while curvy in all the right places. I feel my cheeks tint red a bit as she rests her hand on her hip bending forward. Her breasts held back by a skintight one piece as she gazes at me with yellow eyes. She lifted her one leg stretching as her legs were practically in a straight line from above her head straight to the ground.

 She lifted her one leg stretching as her legs were practically in a straight line from above her head straight to the ground

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(Had to change the image because Wattpad stupid and really strict about sexy ballerina poses -_-)

I can tell what Azmuth said about overproduction of hormones was correct because she may be an alien but dammit was I horny.

"Hey there sport!" She spoke jumping onto me practically knocking the wind out of me as I'm left wheezing. She positioned herself onto me as she sat directly in my lap and started pressing against me. "Wow~ You're really cute~ We'd make some beautiful raptors~" She had a coy look on her face and positioned herself to sit on my bulge that had grown from her pressing.

"Someone's happy to see me~" She whispered into my ear as she smirked. I groan out in annoyance as I pick her up much to her surprise as she looks at me her legs pressed together as she sat on the floor.

"Did I upset you? Sir?" She asked an odd expression plastered her face, it wasn't fear but more embarrassment mixed with concern. I guess she isn't used to being picked up so easily. She weighed practically nothing so I didn't question it.

"Look, now isn't the best time or place ok? Kinda in the middle of a fight!" I states as she flinched at me raising my voice. She looked down seemingly ashamed as I sighed out. Great now I feel bad.

"I- Look I'm sorry... I shouldn't have raised my voice. Can you tell me your name?" I ask her offering my hand to help her up as she looked up at me and then to my hand. She gently took it as she stood up.

"You need to give me one... Sir." She said as she didn't want to meet my gaze. She was taller than I was but she seemingly lowered herself while close to me. I sigh remembering I have to name the girls. This is gonna be a pain. "Right of course, how about... Claire?" I ask her as she finally looked into my eyes as her yellow slits turned to a light shade of pink as she nodded. "It sounds so pretty." She said gently as the dial just under her breasts whirred to life spinning as she gasped a bit. Her suit tightened showing more of her muscle as the top half opened up showing a boob window.

It was at this point I realised it was changing her clothing towards my personal tastes. I've always had a thing for boob windows in clothing and here it was creating a style just for that. At this point do I question if the watch is the pervy one or me? Or both? This is too much and I am far too horny to be thinking about specifics. I look to her seeing her putting on a slight smirk as she propped up her breasts bouncing them.

"My my~ They're much softer than before~ Perv~" She said as a sigh leaves my lips. Before I can speak a bunch of small white plushies were thrown into me from the giant dragon that was tearing the castle up.

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