Part 25: Identity

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Students huddled in the classrooms as iron footsteps patrolled the halls. The Knights had infiltrated the classrooms taking students as hostages. The school was on lockdown but police didn't know the situation as signals in and out of the school was being jammed. The group of heroes stood in the Gym, Y/N consulting with Grace as she tampered with some electronics.

"Glad to see you're making friends?" She said with a snicker as he rolled his eyes. "What am I that unlikable?" She shook her head and gazed at him. "Definitely the opposite~" She winked as he chuckled. She slid some pieces together making a small box.

Danny merged from the wall as his tail like end became legs again taking a few steps towards the group who looked at him. "Right, recon is finished. Good news, they made this rather easy for us. Jammer is in the faculty lounge. Students have been confined to classes and the halls are being patrolled, nothing too hectic. Bad news, those guys are packing some serious heat. Plus they've got these weird dudes in cloaks and it doesn't seem like their partnership is a strong one."

"Any info on what they're looking for specifically?" Jake asked as he sniffed he air getting his own information. 

"Apparently the Highbreed over there as well as another girl, Albeda. The one that Y/N was tasked with keeping an eye on." Y/N groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "Fuck I'm an idiot... Alright, Danny did you see her anywhere?" He asked as the white haired boy shook his head.

"I didn't, so either they already got to her or she's hiding real good." Y/N tapped his foot hearing these words. "Then do me a favor, any knights you come across you deal with and find her quickly. They've hunkered down and from what I can tell they aren't planning on leaving anytime soon." The group would nod as Grace walked over handing him the box.

"Here you go handsome, one disruptor coming in hot. Put this next to that signal jammer and it will fry its systems in seconds." She said as she looked proud of herself. He smiled and took the device kissing her gently. "Thank you beautiful~ Now hop back in, don't want you getting caught in the crossfire." He said as Grace giggled and jumped up kissing his cheek as she merged back into the watch.

"Well we've secured the Gym. Start by clearing the halls and classrooms bring everyone here... Shit one of us need to stay here to take care of the students while we work." Y/N said as he reached for his watch before a voice spoke.

"Darling, did you already forget about me~?" Y/N already felt his eyes rolling back turning to find Cereza right behind him. A coy smirk on her face as she looked to the rest of the group as they faced her ready for a fight.

"Good, I'm glad you're done playing the innocent teacher roll." He said gripping her already tight as hell shirt and pulled her close kissing her as she kissed back lovingly as the group was stunned.

"Dude... What the fuck!? The hot new teacher really!?" Danny asked as Sam gave him a look that shut him up. He did just that. "Bayonetta isn't just a teacher. We'll be back soon with some students." Y/N said as she pulled out two large pistols from between her breasts as her heels clicked to now form barrels.

"Leave it to me, try not to get yourself killed out there. I don't feel like finding a new mate~" She said as her hair shot out to pull the bleachers to cover the side exits letting the group realise their teacher was not a teacher at all.

"Dude where do you find these chicks?" Max asked as Y/N shrugged. "They find me." he said as the group left the gym with Y/N in his six armed form. "Let's get to work."

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