Part 20: Suffocation

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After many more conversations the trio found themselves in what appeared to be a gathering of sorts, food was brought out with all kinds of different space drinks. Gwen Ben and Kevin spoke with some Kincelerans however Y/N was missing from the group.

"Do you think we need to help him?" Gwen asked as the three look over seeing Y/N seemingly swarmed by aliens wanting to talk to him. They all seemed rather invested in the creature before them. Many having not seen a human before now wanted to get close to the male.

"I think he'll be fine... Probably..." Ben said as they watched the poor male being swarmed by his new adoring fans. They could only laugh as Y/N was attempting to get to everyone however failing miserably.

A set of footsteps could be heard as Bayonetta walked towards the group seemingly weaving her way through. This garnered the attention of Looma who now had her eyes trained on the young male from afar. The Umbral Witch gazed at the male with a smirk.

"Impressive show you put on." She spoke as she looked towards the gathering of aliens flaring out her aura. They backed up giving him space. "Leave us be." She spoke as the rest were very quick to disperse. They now stood together with Y/N catching his breath.

"Thanks, I was getting smothered in there." He said as he relaxed his shoulders. The imposing woman could only smirk as she pushed against him. "You're not out of the woods yet honey~ What if I wanted to play with you~?" She asked as the boy felt a lump fill his throat. 

The tall woman pressed against him whispering into his ear. "The situation with this mysterious figure draining star energy is growing to be a grave concern. I want to invite you to my planet. There are things we must discuss with the Elder Witches." She whispered gently into his ear. He understood that she knew more than she was letting on. However bigger and louder foot steps filled their ears.

"What are you doing Bayonetta?" Looma asked walking towards them as she straightened herself looking to the red warrior. 

"I'm just showing our guest some hospitality~ Am I not allowed to dote over this brand new species?" She asked moving behind Y/N and pulling him close as his head was stuffed between her breasts. 

'She's so fucking tall!' The male thought as Looma could only give a scowl. She would grip Y/N's wrist pulling him close to her his face now planted between her breasts. 

"I know your kind and their tainted ways of coercion. This male is not your play thing." She would speak two arms wrapping protectively around the male as his head felt dizzy from bouncing between breasts. His eyes swirling as he took in the rather unique scents from the women before him. 

His senses had grown to be more accustomed to that of alien scents. He could practically tell a species by smell alone at this point, each having their own unique smells and markers. These two were overwhelmingly powerful.

"I just want to take care of him, look at the poor boy~ He's practically a fish out of water~" Bayonetta teased as her clothing started to unravel along her sleeves as hair shot out and tore the male from the Tetramand's grip.

"What the fuck just happened?" He asked dazed at the fact her clothing turned into hair and said hair pulled his face into Bayonetta's breasts. Her wasn't hard pressed ab out the location of his face, more so the frequency at which it was happening.

"He is both the luckiest and unluckiest fuckers in the galaxy." Kevin said holding back a tear. Ben at this point just gazed on with an unimpressed look. Girls were always fighting over him. Seems that idea wasn't restricted to just Humans. Gwen just pouted slightly, at both Kevins words and Y/N's predicament.

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